

Pygmalion 47808_1

Goodbye, goodbye and remember me ...

The shadow of Hamlet's father played folk and famous. He played all the actors of the play, including the long-haired Ophelia and Brunette Gertrud, the masterfully fought on the swords with the shadow of Laerta, changed wigs and clothes are not worse than Arkady Rykin ...

The folk and famous was incredibly talented, but the feeling that the director and the people are measured, who is talented, and the director of the people somehow flashes.

The visual effects were impressive, but all this was more like a show than on the performance, and Mariana lost interest in what is happening in the middle of action. Hamlet was her beloved play, she saw dozens of different embodiments in the cinema and the theater. "This will not be loved," she thought, watching the couple who sitting ahead began to kiss on a monologue "to be or not to be?" ...

Goodbye, goodbye and remember me ...

Once this phrase wrote it in the SMS now there was already former, and she then was such a fool, which did not even understand that it was a quote, and once again thought: "What is he talented" ...

He did her, she thought. He became her Pygmalion. When they met, she was young, nothing representing a student journalism. And Stas was already a beginner who gives hope a writer. "Actually, now, ten years later, he still walks in the new hope," Marianan thought ironically ... And after all, the young talent is good for forty ...

But then, ten years ago, he is thin, the black-eyed, similar to Pierre Rishar, much older Marianana - seemed to her with the celever. Genius, so happily caught her on the way. He became her first man, he taught it to listen to music and deal in verses, he drove it into theaters and at the exhibition ... Mariana read tons of books - under his leadership - and in general turned out to be a very capable student.

They merried. The first time captured by new impressions, feelings, feelings, she was happy. And he did not notice that Stas applies to her not just a patronage - it would be, in general, it is clear - and somehow so ... as to the wretched. He, of course, shone her admiration and worship, he was bought at her delighted. But he lied to her, no matter how sorry: here, I got such a fool ... and it is clear that no longer wishes, the poor thing ...

Then they had twins, Gabriel and Semen. The names chose, a clear case, Stas. She did not like them, seemed sophhored, not suitable for her boys, but she was already accustomed to her husband. Let Gabriel and Semyon be.

The first three years, the children are simply vulnerable. They slept at different times, ate at different times, capricious at different times. She looked down, lost weight, not at all to exhibitions and performances.

Stas began writing a novel.

"They all know what real literature is," he tried between feeding. - All these graffs, grabbing premiums every year, I will open your eyes!

Mariana Kivala, believed in the talent of her husband and sincerely said:

- Of course expensive!

Stas looked at her with regret and went to work in the office. During his work, he became nervous, angry, she tried once again not to touch him and did not ask to give to read at least passages, as before. She read the book along with ordinary readers when she already came out. Circulation hundred copies. For his own.

Read and flinched.

The novel was about a genius writer, rolling, thin, reflexive. And about the wife of a writer, crushed, who got lost after childbirth, no interest in the person, who pulled the writer down and did not give to develop.

The language of the book was granted, the sickening clouds were crawled in the sky, the summer was poured into the pit ...

But God would be with him, with the summer. Maryan realized that Stas sees her as a stupid uninteresting woman. Well, yes, it is probably not Sophia Andreevna.

But Stas is not a lion thick. Not even early. This Marian has already understood.

Zinka, her girlfriend, generally called the romance to the creative extermination, leating and the book, and Stas.

"You still did not understand that he will still give hopes all his life - only someone is incomprehensible to someone," Sinka humoril. - Why do you need it, this vomit genius?

He was needed. How can Galatea exist without Pygmalion? After the book inside her, as if some string burst, connecting her with her husband. But she still did not imagine his life without him. And then, how are children without a father? ..

It would be possible to live even further, but Stas, without waiting for the deafening success of the book, nor offers from publishers, began to drink. Three liters of beer on the day were the norm, he crushed, the features of Pierre Richara were mounted and lost the previous mysteriousness. Mariana, looking at it, went to work and unexpectedly even began to make great successes for himself. As if the fact that he was copied within all these years, finally took shape and prompted out - knowledge, skills, taste ... Glory, which Stas waited, not finding the road to him, came to Mariaan. She worked on television, in a frame, she began to recognize on the street, together with success grew and salary. She went to work, in children, relations with stas were experiencing a painful transformation, called something ...

It all ended unexpectedly, trite and disgusting. She caught him with his mistress. Her and at that time the only man brought home to the woman and, lying with her in their marching bed, pumped out nightingale for the entire apartment. The text was familiar and brought: how difficult in the "this" country to break into a genius, about the dominance of lacrimaries and graphomans ...

She, so inadvertently returned home (canceled all the evening record), silently stood in the hallway, she listened. Opened the door to the bedroom.

She saw her very much. In general, naked people are beautiful only in erotic films, and in life, and even if they find surprise, and even abuse of beer, and even in tasteless underwear ...

In the ancient Sparta men with overweight expelled from the city, she remembered and cheated even more. That's the solution.

- You are not Pygmalion, "she said to her husband, smiling. - You're just a pygmy. I confused words in youthfulness from illiteracy.

I went to the hallway, took the jacket from the hangers.

"You have a couple of days to find an apartment," the husband said, who did not say a word. - I'll be back the day after tomorrow.

And I went to the govorovo to my mother, where they saw the boys on vacation. The soul was calm and easy. The background of her life ended. Life began.

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