Alexander Litvin: "December - time to listen carefully to his intuition"


Each season has its own characteristics, and the main feature of December is precisely in increasing the level of intuition. However, together with this factor, the ability to the logical thinking is dramatically reduced. Therefore, the manifestation of logic in December is not the best undertaking. In December, we will be able to intuitively choose the right decision time. So December is the perfect time to plan starts in a particular matter. You can safely register the company, assign a wedding, plan a vacation or any event that has been worth it only in hypothetical plans. The main problem of December is chaos, which is not supported by all. It is easy to live on a clear schedule when everything is in place when there are certain rules and agreements. But in December, the tendency to order will always be encountered criticism. Many people can say about December, that this month is sad and incomprehensible. But Handra has its explanation: intuition is fighting with logic and won a confident victory.

Love and family relationships

December is a unique time in order to understand how much your choice is right. Do not rush events and try to get along with a potential partner together. The established couples whose relationships are lined up on love, and by and large - at an intuitive desire to be near the person, will not be subject to testing. But marriage by calculation will require adjustments: there is a real opportunity, dropping logic, consider more in our partners than the "vehicle" on the way to a good life. Do not require your partners to explain the causes of certain actions and words - it will be difficult for them to explain why they come so, and not otherwise.

December - a unique time to understand how the partner's choice is right

December - a unique time to understand how the partner's choice is right



Let you not annoy the mess in the children's room and low estimates on the exact sciences, reorient the children to comprehend the humanitarian disciplines: history, geography and development of colloquial foreign speech. Many little children who have long silent, speak December. The incentive will serve as your personal verbal communication with the child. Not cartoons, but oralos of eyes in the eyes will allow them to quickly assimilate the relationship between thoughts and words.

December - the time of mastering the aquatic element in any of its aggregate state - put children's skates and skiing, take them into the pool or give them the opportunity to just take a walk and sow in the snow. All these classes will benefit. In December, it is necessary to preserve those who were born in June - their immune status is weakened, they are more tired than everyone else.


Each of the months provokes an exacerbation of a particular disease. December will move the stones, it does not matter where they are: in the kidneys or in the bustling bubble. The presence of such diseases requires caution, and first of all, mechanical vibrations should be avoided, which can be caused by jumping or work with vibration instruments, heavy shock tools of labor. The diagnosis of "Vegetical dystonia" will remind itself, first of all, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and to avoid an orthostatic collapse, such patients should slowly translate the position of the body from horizontal to vertical.

In December, reorient children for the comprehension of humanitarian disciplines

In December, reorient children for the comprehension of humanitarian disciplines



December of December should resemble a traveler's diet: everything is simple, calorie and with a good shelf life. The most important product of December, however, like any other month is pure drinking water for half an hour before each meal intake.


December is the best time for strategic planning for the development of your business or enterprise. We need a brainstorm. Many supervisors should be discarded by the Regulations and hear the opinion of ordinary employees on the growth of production and other indicators. You will get a lot of intelligent ideas, and if you save our plans secretly from competitors, success will come. At the beginning of the month there is a need for a collective assembly, which needs to focus on employees on the confidentiality of information. Those who are engaged in routine will have to be hard if you have the opportunity - go on a business trip. In December, all the best is happening on the way.

Recreation and travel

Despite the winter, the journey in December is always beneficial. Switching consciousness on the road, you can get spontaneous information to solve many problems. For lovers of winter fishing, the best time comes, and this is the most suitable period in order to teach her young fishermen. A great time in order to visit the northern territories and listen to the creaking of the snow under the legs, which, like Camerton, configures our intuition to the right wave.

December - Good time to buy any vehicles

December - Good time to buy any vehicles


Money and beginnings

In December, we traditionally spend a lot of money for gifts and products, all the same is the pre-New Year period. It is important to remember that in December we absolutely do not know how to save, and therefore it makes sense from the first day of December to plan all the necessary purchases, as the closer the longest night a year, the less hope that logic will save from unnecessary expenses. The intuition is the quality is absolutely intangible, so there is a big danger to dissolve everything on emotions.

Jogging (new projects, contracts, moving)

December is well harmonized with transport, so buying vehicles (not only cars in arsenal, there are snowmobiles and motoes, sledges, skis and even skates) will bring you joy and benefit. All that is intended to move in space will serve for a long time. December -The most time for those who decided to do psychology - both at the professional level and for themselves. December is great for reconnaissance - surveys of the upcoming place of residence or study. If you planned moving to an unfamiliar city, the best time to understand in a short time, your place is or not. It is not bad to visit the university in which you are going to do, take a walk along the corridors, look at students, chat with teachers. December will help to decide on the choice.

The forecast for December confidently brings us to the forecast for 2019. The first to hear the forecast visitors to the lectures of Alexander Litvin "Intuition. How to do what others cannot "in the International House of Music on December 10th. Especially for portal readers - promo code for Whitlit tickets.

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