Vitamins for hair and skin: how to understand whether they need you


With the onset of spring, every second uneducated in matters of medicine is buys the packaging of the vitamin complex - it takes capsules once, does not control the result with the help of testing and then on the list. It seems as if most are ready to independently prescribe themselves and family members are diagnosed with "Avitaminosis", and then try to cure a non-existent disease, simultaneously not wanting to spend money on high-quality vitamins. I decided to pay attention to this typical mistake and close the question of the need to receive bodies.

You are not a doctor

All symptoms that usually describe in articles on avitaminosis are expressed already in the later stages of disease progression. Symptoms of the beginning of the disease are incredible for most people - you are unlikely to pay attention to the feeling of thirst, dry skin, weak impairment or drowsiness. It is for this reason that the doctors advise the blood test for the content of vitamins once every six months - such a diagnosis is not carried out in the state clinic, but for their health it makes sense to pay money and get a study in a private clinic. Often in the spring period of the company to provide medical services offer comprehensive packages for analyzing the level of blood vitamins. After testing, if everything is normal, you do not need to seek the advice of the doctor.

Test analyzes before prescribing treatment

Test analyzes before prescribing treatment


Forget about complex vitamins

Much more efficiently to take vitamins prescribed by your doctor individually than in the complex. There are several reasons for this: the basis of the complex is the basic vitamins - the shock dose C, E, and, and important for women of iodine, folic acid, D, omega-3 there are often no. Next reason - the cost of the complex is usually more accessible than the purchase of individual packages of vitamins is not because in bulk cheaper, but due to market laws. Pharmaceutical companies with such products "beat" on the target audience with medium and lowest demand, but at the same time can not work at a loss, so the quality of raw materials used in cheap vitamins leaves much to be desired. There should be no longer dangerous to be called, but the benefits of it will almost not be.

Nutrition - the pledge of everything

It is not known how people spread the myth that all the fruits and vegetables sold in stores practically do not contain vitamins. Moreover, some "clever" convince people not to buy these products in the cold season. Do not listen to these tips for one simple reason: we live in the 21st century, when the logistics system works as well that at the same time blueberry from South America, tangerines from Africa and exotic fruits from the Asian part of Eurasia may be on your desk. Instead of receiving unnecessary vitamins, adjust the power: Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and berries, do not forget to drink enough water and balance the number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Then you will notice how the hair will begin to grow, nails and the skin will become smooth and moisturized - the body will definitely respond to your care for him.

eat right and diverse

eat right and diverse


Do not believe advertising

If you really think that you can accelerate the growth of hair and nails in tensions times only at the expense of vitamins, we hurry you to disappoint - you should not wait for a miracle. Since the hair consists of keratin - a dead part - and the living base, then it is impossible to improve the quality of the hair and nails, and your genetics and the environment will be affected by the growth of the living part than vitamins. The body will actually respond to the impact dose of vitamins by accelerating growth in the first two or three weeks, but then adapts to the number of incoming trace elements and will begin to remove the excess through the ureteria. You just load the kidney with unnecessary work and can earn problems due to this - long nails are really worth it?

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