6 things that can not be done with the face


24-year-old adel Mofthova physicist. For several years now, she leads his blog "DON'T TOUCH MY FACE". In it, it helps readers to figure out the manifold of cosmetics. Gives advice, how to care for the skin, based on scientific facts. It turns out that we do a lot wrong, it's time to correct. Collected six mistakes that we do daily.

Error number 1.

Wash with soap. It turns out that purity is not a security deposit. Using the usual soap, we dried the skin, destroying its protective layer. It is because of this, adolescents and young people appear acne - bacteria easier to penetrate into the skin, without any natural barriers.

Soap too aggressive

Soap too aggressive


Clean the face should be sparing fans for washing or lotions.

Error number 2.

The use of scrubies and peels. They literally tease the skin of the face, inflicting the microcarbations, which are immediately filled with fat and mud. First, it leads to inflammation of the skin. Secondly, makes us again take a scrub - a vicious circle is obtained.

Scrub River Skin

Scrub River Skin


In this case, for example, salicylic acid performs the same functions - removes dead cells, but does not injure the skin.

Error number 3.

Fat, problem skin delivers a lot of problems with its owners. Those trying with all the forces to deal with the problem, what to do, it turns out, it is absolutely impossible. What you are stronger than trying to dry the skin, the fatter it becomes.

Acne appear not only from dirt

Acne appear not only from dirt


You just need to choose neutral tools that are suitable for you, and do not overdo with their use.

Error number 4.

How many times they wrote that it was harmful to sunbathe, but we still happily substitute anything not protected face with a spring sun. With age, it will all get wrinkles and pigment stains on the face. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the skin with ultraviolet filters with ultraviolet filters, and not just on the beach.

Sun - enemy

Sun - enemy


Fashion for "chocolate" has long passed, but if you really want to be in a darkness, use the auto market.

Error number 5.

All folk remedies, of course, are good, but it is necessary to understand that our grandmothers simply had no industrial cosmetics. So they used what lies in the refrigerator. It is possible, of course, but it is not always useful, because it is not for nothing in vain and cosmetologists over the years in their laboratories, creating new creams.

Do not use the refrigerator as a cosmetic

Do not use the refrigerator as a cosmetic


Error number 6.

Often, listening to the advice of girlfriends and acquaintances, we use the same tools for skin care. But forget that everyone has different faces. Even the cosmetics of one twin sister may not approach another.

With problems go to the doctor

With problems go to the doctor


If you have skin problems, wrinkles appeared, stains, acne - go to the doctor. It is a specially trained person who will help you choose to care products. You are not trying to treat your teeth yourself, listening to the tips of the neighbor, but go to the dentist. And face the worse?

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