I work here: why the coffee makers gain momentum


Today, going to the coffee shop, we are increasingly seeing people at the tables that focused on the laptop, which makes us feel that we returned to the office again, and did not go to relax for a cup of coffee. And indeed, more and more people who have the opportunity to work remotely, prefer to spend a whole day not within the walls of the apartment, but in a cafe.

What is it - Cofelansing?

By name it is clear that the word Cofelansing is a combination of "coffee" and "freelancing". This definition "was born" thanks to the American psychologist, who drew attention to a huge number of people with tablets and laptops, carrying out most of the working time in the coffee shop. People about whom are talking about - freelancers who exchanged an office or an apartment in a table in a cafe.

What advantages promises Cofelansing?

In most such institutions there are good Wi-Fi, which attracts freelancers. As a rule, such a format of work is chosen by people who do not have the opportunity to focus at home, where children or household noise are not in moderation. In addition, psychologists are confident that being among unfamiliar people, it is easier to focus on business and not be distracted by social networks and other secondary affairs, which means work is faster and more efficient.

Is it worth changing the office to the coffee shop

Is it worth changing the office to the coffee shop

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Another plus of Cofelansing can be called a convenient format for meetings, if your work implies a large number of negotiations. However, as you understand, we are talking about creative professions, as the business meeting is best appointed in the office, and not in a coffee shop in a residential area.

A bonus of such a format is the atmosphere and a pleasant aroma of coffee and baking, which accompanies work in such an institution. It is not surprising that most of the freeplanes are coffee makers.

But there are disadvantages

No matter how nice to spend time in the coffee shop, not all owners are happy to visitors who occupy the table for the whole day. For entrepreneurs, the company of people who can accommodate the same table, which is now occupied by a freelancer, and order several times more than just "cappuccino on vegetable milk".

For the freelancers themselves, there are also problems, for example, companies behind the neighboring table with children or just noisy youth. It will already be difficult to focus on your project.

Another problem can be coffee house staff. Not always waiters are in a good arms of the Spirit, which can affect your setting, which is especially not good if you are inspired. You will have to adapt to the conditions of the coffee shop and those people who work on this day.

The last unpleasant moment is the cost of such a format of work. Always allow you to spend more than three hours at the table without order. As we know, not every freelancer earns on a par with office workers, which means the biggest day earned in the day you spend on coffee, baking and other dishes from the menu. Therefore, before you decide to "move" to a coffee shop near the house, think if it is worth it. Maybe it's better just sometimes to go with friends, and not turn a coffee shop to the office?

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