Happiness and currency: whether it is necessary to do something because of the take-off of the dollar and euro


I remember all the crises and jumps of the dollar that occurred at my life. I am 61 - so I really really all. I remember default in 1998. Then my salary fell 5 times, I was pregnant with a third child, and my husband stopped paying salary.

There were other crises when, yielding to the excitement, we bought an unnecessary TV or a washing machine, "so that money is not disappeared." What was there to disappear?

I remember - and it is funny to get it now. How to turn us easily into the herd, make it go there, where it is necessary. Only here is the question - who needs?

Was in our family and the worst crisis when the Son lost all the money on the stock exchange, and we stayed alone with bandits. At that moment, the revaluation of my life values ​​took place. And from now on, I realized that there is nothing more expensive for loved ones, health and warmth in the house.

I think that if you give a person a choice - money or health, but health in the ready, packed form, most will choose health. And it is logical - why do we need money if nothing pleases, there is no desire, and you can not spend you not to have time?

But they scared us, painted horror stories, and where is our common sense? It is not and can not be, until it is so easy to turn into a herd.

Irina Shabanova

Irina Shabanova

Photo: instagram.com/irinashabanova_coah

Awareness. This is what a modern man should come. To see with your own eyes, listen to your ears and have your own opinion. Only in this state can be seen a real picture and understand what I want for myself. That she was postponed all the time what he said. And start with it. Money invested in stock can turn into dust. You can lose them on other financial instruments. And, as a result, even more worsen health.

I think if they were sold health and joy, youth and happiness as a product, they would surely bought in crisis periods. But there is no such goods, unfortunately. Or maybe fortunately? Maybe this wealth is not available to everyone? Maybe this is a reward that you need to deserve?

One wise man said: "The next evolutionary step is a person consciously." And for this you need awareness and responsibility.

When I spend advice on personal finance, the first thing I do is helping to engage in life. Start seeing real tasks, and not created by someone problems. And then a person relaxes, begins to see and hear, begin to understand himself.

I can not give recommendations for the investment in the current situation. I do not know if you need to buy dollars. I think that no one knows. There are different opinions. But these are only opinions and fortune telling on the coffee grounds. I do not know, "where to run and whom to shoot." I can only give you my life and professional experience. Money is given to us for happiness. Here I am deeply convinced. And what is happiness for each of us - this is a question that no financial analyst will answer you. For me, this is primarily health. In this article of your budget, I have been investing 15 years. And I have long received good dividends. There are values ​​that cannot be assessed with money. They cannot be bought, but they make sense to invest.

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