Ksenia Surkov: "Favorite man saved me from panic attacks"


Despite the young age, Ksenia is already a rather experienced actress, known for the serials of the "crisis of tender age" and "Closed School". Under the impression of the game Ksenia in the new season, the series "Olga" met with the actress and listened to her story about crises, fighting panic attacks and the secret of redheads.

- In the series "Olga" you play the daughter of the main character. And in the new season your character has a lot of problems ...

- My heroine has a strong dramatic line, and I have invested a lot of myself, my emotions and strength. Of course, you are worried about whether the viewer will appreciate all our efforts. I really hope that the viewer will like this dramatic and, maybe, partly an ambiguous season. He is not only "ha ha", now we touched on "deep depths" in it.

- What was sophisticated on the set?

- Winter. Cold. And on me - a thin, short jacket. Under jeans, I put on tights. Probably in the winter I was very thin. (Laughs.) Therefore, in principle, it is not particularly seen that there is a whole cabbage on me. Two pairs of woolen socks were still. Nevertheless, any picture for me is joy. That's cool. The total energy that merges later in what you see on the screen.

Ksenia Surkov:

Ksenia Surkov and Yana Trojanova on the set of the series "Olga"

- Do you freely feel yourself on the site or are there any complexes?

- Of course, we all have them. Me too. Sometimes the clamps happen, as we call them in the acting. There are fears that "before", but when you're in a frame, when you get into the case, you forget about everything, the clips go. When you're all in a partner, this is joy. He saves you.

- How do you prepare for the role?

- Personally, I always ask me to fully printed the entire script. I read everything. I look at what place my line is occupied - we are one whole. Of course, I always try to figure out where a turning point is happening.

- Director for you a big boss or a colleague on the creative process, with whom you can argue, offer your own?

- Certainly, the associate. We are all in a single whole and one. But I listen from and before. It is like in a relationship - a matter of trust. There are less or more experienced people. It happens that from the side not everyone you see, and the director suggests you. And sometimes you suggest something. For example, I felt my final scene in Olga's tips, thanks to our directors, they did not try to impose their own, trusted to me completely.

Ksenia Surkov:

The main role in the series "The crisis of gentle age" added Ksenia a lot of fans

- Where is more difficult, it's easier, more interesting is to play a movie or removed, for example, in the clips?

- This is all my creative work. Much depends on the task and on how interesting you are. Probably more difficult when you are not interested. I do not agree to the role when uninteresting. This is my profession as it may be indifferent to me. Through the profession, I work in some kind of sores, so she even treat me, it seems to me.

- When comes great fame, how to keep yourself, not to go out?

"My master before the release said the only phrase, which I remembered forever:" Guys, stay people, no matter what! ". This I carry through all my acting life. It is important. Do not rise yourself, do not assume that someone is worse than you or better. We all make what you should do. I appreciate professionalism. We can always agree without any stellar pounds and everything else.

- In my microblog, you somehow wrote almost motto: "Be sure to do good deeds!". What is meant? What are the cases?

- any. Everyone decides what exactly. Sometimes a good deed - just thank a person. The main thing is when you give the world a part of yourself, heat, energy. And it can be any energy: material, emotional, something good, that you bring to the world. Sometimes it is difficult, it must be felt, it is at some other levels.

Ksenia Surkov:

"I want to look good, but I don't want to do all these suspenders"

- I heard that panic attacks often happen to you?

- Now, thank God, no longer happen. But they were to blame. I simply brought myself at some point. And we, in Moscow, then did not particularly know what it was. In contrast, for example, from America. Call "ambulance" and say that you have a panic attack, and they do not understand. They say no need to invent. But, unfortunately, it was. Just need to know how to work with it. No one helped me. Itself reached when I realized that I could not live with it anymore. My young man was saved by my young man Stanislav Raskachaev, he actor the theater Yermolova. Feeling a sense of security with him. After all, panic attacks are a condition when you do not feel safe. With the arrival of Stas, everything went, thank you so huge.

- And before the appearance of a young man how did you fight with them?

- Inhales-exhale. Valerian acts perfectly, some nonsense copies. But breathing is the first thing to start. Try to meditate, do yoga. To swim. To relax in every way. After all, your brain launches some reactions to the body. You need to make massages, light lavender oil. And thoughts put in order.

- True, what did you recently wanted to change the profession?

- Not that change. I did not have some time of work, I fell into a challenge. He said that if I had no work, then I am a bad actress, it's not mine, perhaps it is better to change the profession. Act of despair. But I myself proved that everything is wrong. Located in Los Angeles to learn. And thanks to my teachers who said that I should not doubt my place. After such harassment, I have no second doubt in myself. There are seconds of doubt in our cinematic system, but this is a separate story for a conversation. And in yourself no longer doubt. This was given to me America. My teachers. I am all madly grateful to them for the fact that they returned me.

Design hats - Hobby Actress. Ksenia hopes that it will achieve in this considerable success

Design hats - Hobby Actress. Ksenia hopes that it will achieve in this considerable success

Photo: Instagram.com.

- Did you think about the future? What would you like to see, for example, on eighty years?

- I really hope that I will be a steep grandmother for my grandchildren. I only dream about it. I want to look good, but I do not want to do all these suspenders, I will try to achieve everything with your own. And I start it now, because much depends on the nutrition, lifestyle. And I will make a bunch of tattoos. I will be painted in bright colors, wearing cool things extraordinary. (Laughs.) But the main thing is that my grandchildren should be proud of me and asked the parents to leave them from Granny.

- Your bright detail - red hair. Where does love for this color come from?

- Everything, love passed. I am very tired to paint. It lasted ten years. And when I repainted in my native dark blonde color, everyone was surprised where my red hair was. Just I once inspired girls who have a natural color of redheads. It was bright and juicy. In that period I wanted to change something in my life. Changed. Ten years passed, and I said enough.

- I heard that your hobby is the manufacture of hats ...

- My mother wore hats. And I had a love for them, just in Russia at that time there were few. No one did them. In Moscow, in general, people on hats react strangely. It was a feeling that you put the toilet to the head. And I wanted to make hats myself. True, while I left this idea, I realized that if I am doing something, it should be completely given to this. I can not share energy. While the shooting was shot, I just wanted to shoot. And on the hats I have a lot of ideas. We need to invest money, and I hope to meet a person who will also burn with this idea.

In the life of the actress was a period when she suffered from panic attacks. But the affair with the actor Theater Yermolova Stanislav Raskachaev presented her the feeling of comfort and security

In the life of the actress was a period when she suffered from panic attacks. But the affair with the actor Theater Yermolova Stanislav Raskachaev presented her the feeling of comfort and security

Photo: Instagram.com.

- Do you lead a healthy lifestyle or allow yourself sometimes relaxing?

- Of course, I let yourself relax. So much tasty around. Sometimes unhealthy. But I do not see anything bad in it. Worse, there is nowhere to limit yourself, and then get off. I'm trying to listen to my body. If he wants something, I will eat it.

- Together with sports?

- I have more complicated with sports. Even my Stas tells me: "Ksyusha, you are not doing any sport! You definitely need a physical activity! ". I went to the sketch. This is a cool thing. I hate the gyms. How many times I was recorded, but all Fiasco ended. After training, I cut off, and I'm simply not. All these group classes are not about me. I would be quieter than something.

- I read that your favorite phrase "If you want to change something in your life, you need to do something wrong" ...

- If the routine has led, you need to stop and understand why I, for example, should go here, and not to go to the other side? You need to catch yourself on such things. Or when you are used to walking the same route to work, try to go to others. Let it be longer, but he will be different. I do not like Routine very much. And in every way I try to do everything otherwise. Even those cases that I seem to do is always the same.

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