Ilya Bachurin: "Like most men, I caught one bait - femininity"


At the very beginning of the nineties, when in our country, there were no such concept as "start-up", Ilya Bachurin was already it. Born with an owner of an entrepreneur, he cannot be at rest, realizes the most bold undertakings. It is clear that such dynamic light lions do not remain alone. With the name of this person a lot of high-profile novels is connected. Not so long ago, the press discussed his gap with the actress of the equestrian currency, and today it is already talking about the relationship with the star Comedy Women's hope of Sysoeva ...

- Ilya, thoroughly studying your biography, I came to the conclusion that you feel about the breed of young and early, and completely in all aspects of being ...

- Yes, that is right. And I always made this effort. How much I remember myself, it seemed to me that if I did not do this or another immediately, then tomorrow may be late. So at any time I tried to fulfill the program maximum.

- People of years learn to live here and now, and you are so talented, already - a teenager knew something important ...

"I don't know anything about my giving, I don't really judge, I would not even evaluate them." But the fact that I am pretty early to have come a feeling of the uniqueness of the moment, his frequency is true. In childhood, this irrepression was expressed in a giant number of read books, in an endless series of sports sections that I visited ... Ten years of athletics, boxing, judo, mountain skiing, who stayed with me and at this time. With the first opportunity, I try to fly to the mountains, I ride, I used to participate in freeride competitions. Well, of course, Motocross, who is already two decades with me. In the summer - Skate, rollers ... If you come back to childhood, I still went to a music school, where I played a violin and piano. Plus at home Mastered numerous driving and flying models. Even his first skete himself smoke himself, having fallen with the whole apartment epoxy resin. And before that, the suspension and wheels were pulled out on all sorts of near Moscow plants, which traveled on the train. It was fun, and not only me, but also to parents. That is, since childhood I was a passionate man, a million different hobby came up with myself. I must say, I was very lucky with my parents. They with our elder brother Yevgeny gave the necessary freedom, they were supported in everything, so I could have come to the mountains of the age of fourteen to the mountains in the mountains, for Cheget, then in Georgia, to Armenia.

Already in childhood, Ilya was an active child. With Mom faith Sergeyevna

Already in childhood, Ilya was an active child. With Mom faith Sergeyevna

Photo: Personal archive Ilya Bachurina

- Well, you, apparently, were a restless child who did not stop.

- for sure. It was easier to let go. Of course, we argued with my mother and dad, but in the end everything was prosperous. It is clear that then there was another country, more calm from the point of view of crime, and parents were distinguished by wisdom. They knew how so unobtrusively, subtly let me down to some correct independent decisions ...

- They have engineers with you, my brother gave the aviation for many years, and you are pure humanitarian, however, with a business resident. How did you study at school?

- Nerven, I did not have a year for a year. In the seventh grade, I moved to a special school with a teaching of a number of items in English, which was not easy, but then I gave me odkers to enter the institute. Later also taught French, but did not find it use, because alas, she began to forget. But I have an absolutely worker, I read books on it, watch movies. This is such an additional pleasure when you come across directly with the original source and do not get enough to the rude translation, breaking the entire fine tissue of the narrative.

- What genre give preference?

- I am a big fan fiction. I liketopia, intricate fictional worlds. But in general, I appreciate the genres, but the creative level of the work, its quality.

- And make the impression of realist without any romance plaque.

- I am sufficiently romantic. And, frankly, in many ways my perception determines not the desire once to break away from reality. I want to clearly see the true motives of every person with whom I communicate, also to observe the most truthful picture in those areas of life, the business to which I am directly related. It is extremely important not to dedicate unnecessary hopes. This also applies to projects and individuals.

With daughters, Yaroslav (in the photo - left) and Vasilisa, and the wife of Polina

With daughters, Yaroslav (in the photo - left) and Vasilisa, and the wife of Polina

Photo: Personal archive Ilya Bachurina

- Often mistaken in people?

- Fortunately, no. While the inner flair does not fail. Near me there were never people dishonest. In some global scale, I never betrayed friends. After the first acquaintance, estimating a person, I put it on some shelf of my soul, and he remains firmly there. In this sense, I am not inclined to change the judgment sharply. And romanticism in me blooms with a buoy in relationships with the opposite sex. Here I sometimes LHA Himself, inventing the unprecedented ... But, writing the world, I am pumped into romantic assumptions, you risk seriously disappointed that sometimes happens. And you can only blame for this. This is how you yourself elevated the ideal on the pedestal, lived with this myth for some time, waited when the fog was dissipated, and I finally saw a real person nearby.

- Since you yourself switched to a personal topic, I can't not ask about your parting with the actress of the equal church, with which you were together for four years. Why did not fight for the relationship?

- Fought. But, probably, work won us. But for those who lived openly, without any false and the game, years is not ashamed, and they are not sorry. It was just love at first glance - having met, we no longer parted. But, see, in the end I could not cope. Of course, after the collapse of any relationship, it is necessary to analyze them, make work on errors so that in the future it does not step on the rake.

Roman with actress Ravzhana Kurkova lasted four years

Roman with actress Ravzhana Kurkova lasted four years

- Internet expanses die by your photos with various girls. And magazines often characterize you as a heart ...

- It's not like that at all. When I am with someone in a relationship, I do not allow himself to jump from side to side. That is, standing on solid rails, already moving the selected route. This does not mean that I limit myself with terrible efforts, simply concentrated on one person. And I am consistent until the end. But when the final comes, I go further. And every time I sincerely, respectfully, I relate to the girl nearby. Even if we stay shortly near. Therefore, not hiding from the photographers.

- For more than six months, your novel lasts with the hope of satisfied with Comedy Woman. How I guess, you saw on different secular rounds and as such a first meeting you did not have, right?

"Yes, we crossed at the events, saw each other made out, so we managed to look at." (Smiles.) You know, "Chemistry" is either arising, or no, and meaninglessly disassemble this formula. The main thing is that if something is born, the magnet appears inside, which pulls you to a particular person.

- Media write about your imminent wedding ...

- This is their work - to warm up the public and for the sake of increasing the circulation to give out the desired for valid. Periodically, I'm trying to marry girls, some I don't even know, I'm already used to it. (Smiles.) I did not discuss the topic of marriage.

Bachurin leads an active lifestyle: motocross, skate, rollers, skiing - not all of his hobbies

Bachurin leads an active lifestyle: motocross, skate, rollers, skiing - not all of his hobbies

Photo: Personal archive Ilya Bachurina

- Well, let's see how events will develop ... Tell us better than such a special Nadia hooked you?

- I, like most men, caught one bait - femininity. This is the most important ingredient in a cocktail that can be presented to a man. And Nadia is unusually feminine in all its manifestations and in a variety of situations acts as, according to my ideas, a true lady must lead themselves. She knows how to rely on a man who is nearby trusts him without asking extra questions. She skillfully pretends to give her man the role of the first violin. Nadia is sufficiently flexible, but at the same time it always has its own opinion and, if required, it is definitely defended. In addition, it has another quality that disarms me in women is a dedication. Alas, the girls are often lame by this part, prefer to rely on the circumstances, on their men, and this is a heavy burden for the one who is near. Such ladies resemble cute homemade cats or small useless dogs, who persistently require them to feed them, combed, fit ... I am sure that it quickly bored. Fortunately, I managed to bypass such a party. I like those who are burning some kind of idea, show active curiosity to life in the business sector or creative. The developing person, who knows, at what point is the path it is and where it goes on, is always interesting. Nadia, by the way, just such. Very volitional, despite the soft stage image. Just imagine - she came from Krasnoyarsk and immediately ended up in one of the largest television projects, honestly defended his right to participate in it.

- Obviously, in accountants you never fell in love ...

- Here you are not mistaken! And the former wife of Polina, with which we lived twelve years old, artist, clothing designer by education. Now she also draws, makes amazing decorations. With Polina we are peers, got married at twenty-three years. And the whole period of our marriage I did not change her, did not look at the side, so when we divorced, about a year could not approach any girl - it was elementary to care for. (Smiles.) Perhaps the Polina with Polina became too early with spouses and therefore quickly lost contact, which is necessary to be together. Each of us began to develop in your direction. But I am grateful to Polina that we have friendly, harmonious, warm relationships. Although the enemies I did not part with anyone. It is necessary to somehow adequately evaluate the past and remain on the wave of positive.

The first concert of Michael Jackson's concert organized Ilya Bachurin with business partners

The first concert of Michael Jackson's concert organized Ilya Bachurin with business partners

Photo: Personal archive Ilya Bachurina

- From the first marriage you have two practically adult daughters: Seventeen-year-old Vasilisa and Fifteen-year-old Yasya. What talents do you notice them already?

- Vasilisa is studying at the RGGU Art College. She has a rather minimalist style, she photographs a lot, this is her way of self-expression. Yaroslavly in painting rather fantasy plots ... This is a colorful reflection of its inner world. Both they are daddy daughter. In each I find some kind of features, and it is incredibly nice!

- You studied at the Academy of Management, later increased the qualifications in the UK. Surely high-quality education want to give and your children. What are your thoughts on this?

- I am a democratic dad, only expressing my point of view. I am aware that I can not adjust someone else's personality, and never restrict my daughters. I trust them in choosing a profession. Moreover, it seems to me that I will rather loyfully assess their guys. (Smiles.) But we run forward, while Vasilisa is seriously engaged in studying, equestrian sports. And Yasya graduated from the music school in the class of people's vocal, plays the accordion, but sees himself in the future, it does not like a singer, thinks about working in a movie.

With Dmitry Bilan. Our hero participated in creating many significant musical projects on television

With Dmitry Bilan. Our hero participated in creating many significant musical projects on television

Photo: Personal archive Ilya Bachurina

- And you are a virtuoso director of your destiny. You have such a density of events per unit of time!

- While it is too early to sum up, but I, undoubtedly, thank God for everything that I manage to do in life. We must admit, I am not from those lucky who is lipated to whom. I have always earned them hard, working sometimes for eighteen hours a day, but the enrichment as such was not my task. I am always in the buzz, what I do in one or another moment of time. I love to open new directions. For example, with great joy I try myself now as a teacher at the MGIMO business school, I am pleased to share your experience, at the same time systematizing the knowledge I received in a lifetime. But I try to avoid booknotes, using personal workers.

- It is not surprising: you did not completely lose the youthful mobility in every sense of this word ...

"It is, I have a complete feeling that is still ahead." I live plans for the future. I agreed with my age - forty-six years for me much harmonious than, for example, twenty-six. There was more awareness, and the drive is not less than. And I can not imagine myself looking at pensions.

- If someone had an idea to screen the life of the artist Lion Baksta, you could have been invited to a major role: you are a little similar outwardly, and he was also a big fashionable ... The appearance you pay close attention, right?

- Of course, it is impossible to chase only for the content, neglecting the form. The design of your house is important, and your image, and the product you create. Perceived all comprehensively. Clothing, like speech, important way of self-expression.

The media wrote about the ambulance with the hope of Sysoeee, but the couple prefers not to rummage

The media wrote about the ambulance with the hope of Sysoeee, but the couple prefers not to rummage

"I can't help but ask about the late Michael Jackson, who exactly you, with business partners, were first brought back to Moscow for a full-fledged concert within the world tour ...

"Yes, then I was only twenty-three years old, and in many respects this project radically changed the whole of my future life, becoming a certain step, milestly on my way. Undoubtedly, this idea was associated with large financial investments, risk, because in that epoch, people were not particularly spent on tickets, did not go to concerts at all. Undoubtedly, we have lost significantly in the money, but they have worked invaluable experience. I am proud that we did it. Well, of course, I had my warm memories of singer.

- And what was he?

- The king of pop music was held by all on the gigantic distance, hid in his shell. The slave made an explicit sociopath from it. In everyday life, he looked quiet, but it was worth it to climb to the stage - as if the switch was triggered and the energy beat through the edge! In general, I did not accidentally took up this project - Meloman was from an early age. Father from all kinds of his trips around the world brought vinyl records, and I had a rare at that time the opportunity to listen to good performers in excellent quality. And inside any style, I learned to find a close one. In my car often plays a classic: Brown Tchaikovsky, Beethoven. But electronics and hip-hop are also not rare phonograms of the day. Love for music led me further. In 1995, I headed the station 106.8 (subsequently Station 2000), which five years was the flagship of youth musical culture not only in Russia.

- And then you moved around the increasing ...

"Then I led the Directorate of the Music Broadcasting of the First Channel, participated in the launch of the" Star Factory ", other major projects, and after was the chief editor of the MTV TV channel, incredibly popular at that time in the youth environment. This work was beautiful, like a team of people, talented and passionate, with whom I was lucky to work. Another work of the dream is the Olympic ceremonies with which I have been engaged in more than five years as the Vice-President of the Olympic Organizing Committee. From this project, Detailed only in favor of Kincons, Glavkin, and a year and a half before Sochi, when he was set before such a choice. Of course, the cinema, one day, going to my life, will not leave any of it. And at the moment I am already standing at the origins of the new project, but I wouldn't want to say about him - early.

Ilya Bachurin:

"The best holiday for me is a sport," says Bachurin

- And how are you, workaholic, ballet yourself?

- The best holiday for me is a sport. Running, motocross, rollers, skate, skiing. I love massage. High-quality cuisine is also the pleasure of a kind, although I try to eat right. For example, do not eat meat, bread.

- Finally ask, what does the tattoo mean on your hand?

- Dragon and carp - strong Chinese characters. Carp - skill symbol to achieve a goal. This fishing during a spawning of several hundred kilometers floats, overcoming the most incredible obstacles. Well, and dragon - hero, warrior. They say the tattoo transmits its strong qualities to the owner. Would not refuse. (Smiles.)

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