Sharon Osborne: "Ozzy wants to remove several new episodes of the show, as now he does not drink at all"


The show is decided to resume on the VH1 channel. "Ozzy decided that he wanted to write down the whole season, but several new episodes, about eight," said Sharon Osborne. "According to him, while we recorded three seasons of the program, he was drunk all the time. But now he would like to make a program in which he would absolutely sober on the screen, as now he does not drink at all. " According to the recognition of a 62-year-old spouse Rocker, returning to the screen was his idea. She explained that Ozvey could not clearly remember what was happening in four seasons of his program since March 2002 to March 2005, since the Black Sabbath star was constantly in a state of intoxicated. Not so long ago, the musician managed to overcome the addiction to alcohol: he does not drink for two years and regularly visits the assembly of anonymous alcoholics.

The updated version of the realistic show will mainly touch the life of Sharon and Ozzy, and their children, a 28-year-old Jack and 30-year-old Kelly, will appear only in some episodes. Emy's elder daughter will still not take part in the program whose shooting will begin in January. However, the spouse itself of the musician to the question of journalists, whether she is glad to return to the screen, answered shortly: "No."

When Ozzy Ozbourne left the group, Sharon took his musical career into his own hands. She coordinated the search for new musicians and was engaged in producing, following in the footsteps of his father, Don Ardenne, who worked as a manager from Black Sabbath. Sharon conducted a tough and confident management policy. Thanks to the talents, Ozvey's spouse became a noticeable figure in the musical world, and Sharon is one of the largest music managers in the UK, managed to work with Coal Chamber, The Smashing Pumhkins, Motorhead, Elo and Harry Murom.

Despite the long years of marriage, Sharon and Ozzy Osborne are still in love with each other. In one of the interviews, Sharon told: "When Ozza wakes up in the morning, he necessarily asks me which jacket is better to wear. And I tell him that as he, no one dressed for ten years. But he does not pay attention to fashion. He cannot live without me, but I can't without him. I do not want".

This year, the spouses made a statement: if one of them sick with an incurable disease, they will enjoy the life of suicide together. The singer argues that if this happens, he will ask Sharon to speed up his death. The spouse of the musician itself one terrible disease has already survived. In July 2002 she was diagnosed with colon cancer. Later, she admitted that the tumor spread to its lymph nodes and began to represent much greater danger than expected. However, she insisted on the continuation of the filming of the show "Family of Ozbornov", and she managed to defeat Cancer, although her forecast of survival was less than forty percent. Ozzy himself, as you know, was fond of drugs and alcohol, and he had no overdose overdose.

A year ago, one of the western tabloids reported that Ozzy and Sharon did not live together for several weeks. Couple passed through a lot. But Sharon Osborne had enough strength and nobility not to quit her husband in the worst periods of his life. However, having achieved retirement age, the couple still decided to disperse. Rock Idol decided to remove his mansion, and Sharon moved to the hotel. But after a while they again moved to their home in California.

During the years of its existence, the show "Family Osborn" had a deafening success. Every series looked from six to eight million Americans, after which the family offered twenty million dollars to consent to extend their participation in the project for a couple of seasons. The Simon & Schuster publishing house suggested a contract for the issue of the book and promised to pay for three more millions. But, perhaps, the most amazing is that the fan of the television show, they say, the President of the US President George Bush Jr. became. A few days later, after the end of the first season, Ozvey was invited to lunch to the White House, where he met Bush. However, this meeting sowed in the soul of a musician vague doubts: "In my opinion, he does not see. I think he did not see the show at all. Something it is difficult for me to imagine that the President of America sits in the evening and looks like several assholes call each other's ass. "

The idea of ​​removing realistic about the life of their family came to the son of the Fours of Osbunov, 16-year-old Jack. One day, returning after the one-year round of home, Ozzy found that camcorders were installed everywhere in his house, and that he, along with his household, became a soap opera star. "Think, it's," said Ozzy himself. The only thing that he was a little embarrassed, it is: "... Well, there, if necessary in the toilet, and ... well, you understand what is happening in the bedroom. But what was done? I signed a contract that this real show will be real real, and I had to follow. " Apparently, this time Ozzy Osborne wants to make a program even more real and bring it to a new level.

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