How to independently define your color


So, go to the most important thing. As from all the color theory, which I wrote about in my previous articles, go to practice? How to apply all those knowledge that you already have, and make the choice of things in stores conscious, not emotional? How to decorate yourself things, and not keep them in a closet with tags? I will tell about this in this - final - article from the "Color" series.

Today I will tell you how, without using obsolete and non-working theories of colorotyping type "Winter-Spring-Summer-Autumn", understand which shades are suitable for you, and what better to avoid, and it will work exclusively individually!

To begin with, remember with you Color characteristics . Any color can be:

- either warm or cold (orange / blue subton).

Either bright or dark (admixture of white or black).

- either clean, or muted (grayscale).

At the same time, the analysis of the appearance of a person will always be built on the following three parameters:

- Color of the skin.

- Eye color.

- Hair color.

IMPORTANT! Skin color is the most significant and, oddly enough, the most difficult of characteristics.

So, we turn, in fact, to the rules for determining the color of the main characteristics of the color:

You Warm appearance if you dominate warm skin tones (ivory, golden, yellow, peach), hair (for blondes it is golden, strawberry, wheat, sand tones, for brunettes - chestnut, copper, red, cinnamon), eye (green, nut , amber, light-kary). In this case, remember that the skin is a fundamental sign, and the eyes and hair are auxiliary.


You Cold appearance If you are dominated by cold skin shades (porcelain, olive, pink), hair (platinum, linen, pearl blond and blonde, chocolate and black shades for brunettes), eye (blue, blue, gray, black).


Pure appearance Always contrast, blush is pronounced, a sharp transition between the protein and the iris.


You muted appearance If the soft shades of hair and eye dominate, and there is no pronounced contrast.


You are light If light-colored skin, eyes and hair prevail in your appearance.


You are dark If dark tones of hair, skin, eyes prevail in your appearance.


These are the main rules for determining the flavor, and now let's deal with what exactly the essence of the directive (direct) method of determining the individual palette:

You The colors that match the characteristics of your appearance are ideal . That is, warm girls are warm colors, and clean - clean.

One characteristic will always be dominant, the second - additional . The least pronounced characteristic can be neglected. However, the temperature parameter cannot be ignored, that is, it will always be either dominant or additional characteristic.

Suitable shades choose Only in the portrait zone! Color trousers, belt, gloves and so on can be completely anyone!

Any unsuitable shade can be originated by the right make-up suitable decorations, just dissolve the hair, thereby distracting attention from the inappropriate color, or move attention to the deep neckline - believe me, it will clearly not be until the color characteristics!

I hope today we finally put the points above the I on the definition of suitable shades, and everything finally fell into place and decomposed on the shelves. Buy, combine, wear your things with pleasure and love. And most importantly remember: style is freedom, style is you!

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