Ilya Legoev: Star not for everyone


There are, of course, here is an offensive inconsistency. Persons of popular YouTube-channels - in all signs of big stars. They have a huge audience, an impressive fan base, capitalization of names - in general, they are in order, and some maybe in chocolate. But tell me in the company of people a little forty: "Nastya Ivelieva", and you will be asked to explain, about whom there is a question. And the same Ivleev itself! She is also a new Lera Kudryavtseva, the girl, in front of which, it seems, all doors open, dazzling teediva. But, as it turns out, not for everyone. Even if there is saying Anastasia not only on the Internet, but also in the usual TV, as one of the leading "eagles and the ripe".

But if in the Boyhead Travel program of Ivelev, it is clearly not a major prima (there is a cult of justice - everyone is equal), then in your online show she is a real queen. Guests take her fat compliments and are ready to do everything, what she will ask for. Why do the stars crowd go to this places a very specific program? Because millions are watching it. Why does Anastasia ask for his own famous guests to do nonsense, for example, inhale helium, and then talk? Obviously, because it amuses her audience.

In his Internet show Ivleev - a real queen

In his Internet show Ivleev - a real queen


With the Internet audience, everything is easier, but at the same time much more difficult than with those who watch TV. On the one hand, a clear popularity scale. It's on a telephone - ratings that do not understand who do not understand what believes. And on the Internet - a meter reporting not about shares, but about people. But if a low television rating can sometimes be explained not at the best time on the air or strong counter-delivery on neighboring channels, then in the network, where there is no airtime, the numbers are exclusively your problems. That is why any video cell must be clearly understood who looks at him and why he does it.

And if the Nastya show looks, because the stars make stupidity there and often say nasty, then the most terrible predictions about the requests of the Internet audience begin to come true. One can only rejoice at the growing popularity of the projects of Ms. Ivleva and many of her associates, but you can not admit that they often report their own audience about their own audience.

Sometimes they do not regret their loved ones. After a solid interview that Yuri Dwell took from those responsible for modern humor (Alexander Gudkov, Nikolai Sobolev, Ilya Shabelnikov and others were chosen), it seems that all these wonderful people are not always too witty and almost always very tonasky. But how joke!

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