Golden Rules: Careful hands in the cold season


The most important enemy of the skin of the hands is ultraviolet. It destroys collagen and contributes to the formation of free radicals. But in the autumn-winter period, when you can only dream about the sun, your hands are no less defenseless. There are several factors at once: cold and frosty air, hot water - in the fall it is especially pleasant to warm up in a hot tub or under the shower - and constant temperature drops, as the in the fall includes heating. And washing powders, dishwashing detergents, poor-quality shower gels contain a large number of surfactants that destroy the water-lipid skin mantle, which leads to even greater loss of moisture.

The skin in his arms has a number of features. The sebaceous glands in this area are absent, very little subcutaneous fatty fiber, and the skin is very thin. In his youth, women usually do not pay attention to such "trifles", like dryness, and then they are spoiled and start to buy the most expensive cream, hoping for a miracle. After 45 years, the so-called biological aging begins when the level of estrogen decreases in the body. The skin continues to lose moisture, the fat layer decreases, irreversible changes in the structure occur, and even even the most expensive creams and procedures can be useless. Therefore, the sooner you start care for your hands, the longer they will remain in impeccable state.

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The closer winter, the more the skin of the hands needs additional care, nutrition and moisture. In order to neutralize the consequences of bad weather, an integrated approach is needed, which includes not just regular use of creams, but also some salon procedures. Golden Standard is paraffin therapy, biographelization and mesotherapy, allowing "feed" cells from the inside and create all the conditions for a comfortable existence. Thus, mesotherapy implies the introduction of special anti-aging cocktails, which include a variety of vitamin complexes, microelements, antioxidants, amino acids, as well as peptides, which contributes to optimal cell power. These procedures are conducted by a course at least 6 procedures. As for biorevitalization, the current component is hyaluronic acid - it instantly restores the water balance of the skin, increases its elasticity and tone. The effect is already visible after the first procedure and over time is only enhanced, because after about a month, the cells begin to actively produce collagen and their own hyaluronic acid. As for paraffin therapy, it is really the easiest, but no less effective way to rejuvenate the skin of the hands and maintaining its further tone. The paraffin itself is not a magic tool - this is a fuse, which, due to deep warming, stimulates all the processes necessary for cell regeneration. Before paraffin therapy, as a rule, a light peeling is carried out, for example, fruit or milk, allowing you to get rid of the burned layer, but it is absolutely non-aggressive and does not injure the skin.

One or twice a week it is necessary to peeling the skin of the hands to eliminate the burritable cells, which will make it smooth and well-groomed. Another advantage of peeling is that it allows the cream to penetrate deeper into the skin layers.

Without spots

Another problem that becomes relevant in the cold season is pigment stains. This is a kind of "side effect" of the vacation period, which literally pursues lover of sunburn. There is a whole arsenal of professional whitening funds, but they should be selected with maximum caution. Hyroquinone has the most powerful whitening properties, it suppresses the vital activity of cells, including melanocytes that produce melanin. As a result, the skin ceases to produce a large amount of pigment and really brightens. Nevertheless, such drugs must be applied only under the control of a specialist, as they, having high toxicity, can cause a number of side effects. As for home use, whitening series are in many lines of professional cosmetics. As a rule, they contain a certain concentration of anti-acids that possess and exfoliating effect. As for cosmetic procedures, the photo-magazine method is used to remove hyperpigmentation on the skin of the hands, the essence of which is the effect of highly intense pulsed light. "

Hand care in the cold season: Golden Rules:

- Never go out with wet or wet hands on cold air. Discard dryers, just blot your hands with a napkin or let moisture to do in the skin.

- Lubricate your hands daily with a nutritional cream, which will hold moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis. It should be done at least an hour before going to the cold.

- Do not go without gloves - the cold and the wind dries the skin at least than the sun and sea water.

- Do not forget about the manicure: temperature differences, vitamin deficit provoke the formation of burrs.

- Detergents for dishes, washing powders and other household chemicals - enemies for gentle skin. Therefore, avoid their hopes, use household gloves.

- Wash your hands with water temperature. Hot water strongly degreases the skin and contributes to drying it.

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