How to fill the lack of "sunny" vitamin


As you know, vitamin D is synthesized in our body thanks to the sunshine, so it is called "solar vitamin". Also, the source of this important vitamin is fish of greasy varieties and good, high-quality milk and cheese. On the recommendation of the doctors daily, a person needs to receive about 600 meters vitamin D. This can be achieved if there is fatty fish every day. For example, in 150 g of salmon contains 400 me, the same dose is contained almost per kilogram of the cod. And, of course, it is necessary to be in the sun. It is clear that this recommendation for Russians in winter does not work. Therefore, we need to try to get vitamin D food. Include in the diet of cottage cheese, eggs, meat, butter, solid cheese, cod liver, tuna, mackerel. For breakfast, several times a week cook oatmeal, which also contains vitamin D. And the most important thing is better to go to the doctor, which will advise what vitamins and in what quantity you need to take in the winter.

Natalia Grishin

Natalia Grishin

Natalia Grishina, Gastroenterologist-nutritionist:

- Autumn and winter depression, reluctance not only to work and learn, but also live, love, bad mood, irritability, depression, frequent colds and infections - All these are signs of lack of vitamin D. If you feel that creativity is reduced, you can no longer Generate ideas, problems with memory began - it can also talk about vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin makes our muscles strong and elastic. That is why in winter, when Vitamin D is missing, people are more likely to get injuries - stretching, micro-sized muscles and tendons. With a deficiency of vitamin D, fractures are worse and more slowly heal any damage. Therefore, if you want to maintain performance, the ability to move normally, as well as to have a great mood, get to get less and faster, - pay attention to your diet. In winter, you can recommend visiting the solarium. And then, if the diet is "good" cholesterol, Vitamin D will be produced in the skin. If you can sit on rigid diets and limit the consumption of animal fats, then no matter how much you are sunbathe, vitamin D will no longer become.

If you are 40 years old and more, it is recommended to pass the blood test and check the level of vitamin D.

With age, the ability to develop this valuable substance is reduced. However, it is impossible to assign drugs yourself. You need to consult a doctor.

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