How to care for a trophic ulcer: Doctor's advice for better quality of the patient's life


Often the reason for the appearance of trophic ulcers becomes vascular problems. Purulent, poorly healing wounds - the consequence of the launched form of thrombosis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, endarteritis and other pathologies, such as diabetes (the so-called "diabetic foot"). Their typical location is a lower third of the shin. Patients suffering from trophic ulcers are experiencing constant discomfort and pain. It aggravates their position the fact that this disease is treated for a long time and difficult. Today we will look at how they care for them so that the quality of life of the patient has become better.

Integrated approach - the basis of the fight against ulcers

Diseases of the vessels and blood system in some patients are incurable. But if it is not brought to the extreme stage, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the appearance of ulcers.

Two ways can help this:

conservative (medicated);

Operational (surgical).

Effective is a medical treatment with an integrated approach. A ulcer need not only to clean and disinfect, but also to heal (or at least reduce the area of ​​the ulcerative defect). Therefore, special ointments or creams are superimposed into the wound. Instead of bandages, threads of which can contribute to additional infection, some doctors prescribe special films that reduce invasiveness and risk of infection.

Vasoprotectors are accepted to improve blood flow. In addition to this, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. In addition, it is important to comply with the rules of hygiene and antiseptics. If we are talking about the ulcers of the lower extremities, patients should every day:

Wash legs in water room temperature and be sure to wipe them dry (the procedure must be consistent with the doctor, since it is not always allowed);

change the dressings;

inspection to identify new ulcer foci (it is important to pay attention to the feet, nails and interpal space;

Protect the affected limb from external factors (temperature, physical, and so on). This item involves the exclusion of hiking in the sauna, bath, solarium, visiting the beaches;

use special shoes preventing additional injuries, as well as compression knitwear (socks, tights, stockings, special bandages), which improves blood flow and decreasing phlebostasis;

perform assigned exercise;

Follow nutrition, do not abuse salt, fats, liquid, eliminate sweet (especially relevant for diabetics).

If there is an excess body weight, it needs to be eliminated to reduce the load on the legs and the recovery of blood circulation. It is worth doing this under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

In addition, it is important not to stand and do not sit for a long time, although many professions suggest a sedentary lifestyle. Patients should walk, not forgetting about compression linen mentioned above. By the way, about him. It is divided into classes. Buy the first model it is impossible. The doctor, taking into account the existing level of venous failure and the state of the arteries of the lower extremities, will prescribe the class that you need. Ignoring these recommendations can lead to the opposite.

The result of such manipulations may be to improve the tissue surrounding ulcers, reducing pain and edema. Otherwise, they resort to surgical intervention (if it is generally appropriate). His goal is to eliminate the cause that caused the appearance of trophic ulcers. If it is venous insufficiency, extended impassable veins are subject to removal. If the obstruction of the arteries, bypass shunting is carried out (the creation of new messages between vessels), etc.

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