5 rules to survive this "black" Friday


Rule number 1

Of course, you already know what thing and where you want to buy, and also remembered its price before the sale? Current promotions will help analyze prices and discount policies to each specific company. And you can be very surprised, without finding the desired sweater on the hanger with the word "Sale". The price of high-quality clothing of running sizes is almost never changed. But something on the "peak of the season" can be obtained with a good discount.

Sales combine

Sales combine


Rule number 2.

Of course, it would be a great time to purchase a laptop, a refrigerator, a TV and a skillet - the mother for the new year. And, it would seem, many network stores participate in this promotion and have the entire necessary list of goods, but everything is not so simple. For example, one company mainly sells televisions - on them will be discounts, the other - refrigerators, but they have cheaper to buy a computer and do not hope.

Keep calm

Keep calm


Rule number 3.

Watch out for the start of the action in each store you are interested in. Who Friday begins on Thursday, others last until December, but many European clothing brands or shoes spend sell only for one day! So accepted in a civilized world, where they make real discounts on good things, and do not seek to shove the consumer goods. In the first time of the beginning of the BLACK FRIDAY, see the sites of all stores that meet your request and choose the best price for goods. Do not tighten with the purchase - you can not have time, but no one forbid you out of the basket. By the way, remember that after Friday there will be more "cybersond".

Do not dream of huge discounts

Do not dream of huge discounts


Rule number 4.

Since online buyers in the Russian market is still not so much, online shopping belongs to them generous and often offer a wider choice of goods and the size of discounts up to 30%, and sometimes more. These days there is an active struggle for the buyer, and firms compete with each other, so some goods can be purchased with a discount of 50% or 70%. But remember that some electronics manufacturers specially produce products under the "black" Friday. Externally, it can resemble famous favorite models, but the interior is significantly different.

Pay attention to accessories

Pay attention to accessories


Rule number 5.

Buy what you need, and not because cheap or "what if it is useful". According to a major American coupon site, 12% of the Black Friday participants make purchases under the influence of alcohol. Therefore, it will not be careful. There are many people in the shops, people are relaxed, looking at their own things, and for goods - fertile soil for pockets. Avoid crowds: Statistics argue that for 6 years in the United States during a shopping in the "black" Friday, much more people died than from shark attacks during the same time. One of the supermarket employees was distraught buyers just flooded.

Time to buy gifts

Time to buy gifts


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