Love Peripetia Traveler Tour Heyerdala


It seemed that the era of great discoveries had long passed, but a bold Norwegian Tour Heyerdal proved the opposite. The most amazing thing that all his achievements fell on a very recent time: for example, the famous swimming on the raft "Kon-Tika" took place a little more than half a century ago.

Of course, the swimming on the "Con-Tika" could not be left without a kinema. But the film nominated for Oscar and the Golden Globe did not take a single award ... The giant whales were helped, fighting with sharks, the battle for life in the midst - in general, the attributes of Hollywood cinema did not work. Critics assured that this is a story about the noble adventurism, and the audience did not believe them. How was everything really possible and could the film of the Tour Heyerdala managed to transfer?

The ideas of great accomplishments do not fall from the ceiling. It is clear that it is impossible to open America a second time. Need a unique thought, and Norwegian has it. The main guessed, inspired him, was to prove a high level of culture of peoples whom Europeans were considered primitive. And he managed it, but what works! His life is really worthy of the film, and not one.

And it all started quite prose, in the tiny Norwegian city of Larvik. There is a young tour. His father was a brewer, and Mom walked a fan of Darwin's teachings. She worked at the Anthropology Museum, and perhaps it was her influence that he had an interest in the study of the world. By the way, in Larvik, the life of Norwegian was calm. Near the city there was a church bay, which enjoyed bad glory. Urban boys did not miss the case to swim in it to enjoy the brave. But the real posture deserved the one who runs along the wet narrow crossbar, which led to the bath. The ten-year-old tour overcame half, when there was suddenly equilibrium. And here it turned out that the boy could not swim! Friends in the stupor watched, as he kicked his hands about the water, until one of them threw him a life jacket. The story dadded a boy from the water. Tour never learned to swim.

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Tour Heyerdal committed legendary swimming on the raft "Kon-Tika"


In the family, it was also not all safely. The father was still a walk, and the mother, the charter pull him out of his mistress bed, just moved to the sown's room and dedicated all the strength to his upbringing. And he took up the case with a special zeal. Every hour, every minute of the boy was painted. Fortunately, the child was and close people - for example, the hermit of Ula took him to the mountains, where he told about birds and plants ... In general, his fate was predetermined - of course, the Faculty of Zoology in Oslo! The young man came there in 1933.

Paradise in a halary

The life of the new student twisted. But Corpsing over the books turned out to be boring. I wanted real accomplishments, yes quickly! And for this I needed a brisk companion. Somehow on the evening evening he saw her - Liv Kusheron-Torp. A student of the Economic Faculty was a beauty. The fans ran the crowds behind her, but it was her who chose a shy tour and immediately took up his first conquest. It was lucky that Liv immediately noticed a high sports guy. First, they, of course, for decenings argued about the destructive influence of civilization per person, but all the fact that in an hour of dating the tour offered her to float with him to a uninhabited island. At Christmas, 1936, the young got married, gathered suitcases and poured into a wedding trip to the edge of the world.

They chose Fatu-Hiva Island, the southernmost of the Marquis Islands, which are part of the French Polynesia. It was drinking water, and at the same time the leg of a white man did not go. Idyll lasted a year: Liv and Tour ran naked around their huts, ate bananas, bathed in mountain waterfalls, photographed - in general, behaved like all the normal people on vacation. But soon the newlyweds on their feet appeared rotting wounds from mosquito bites, fever began. When the sound of the ship approaching the island of the ship was heard, Heyerdala returned home. Excursion to Paradise ended in deplorable.

The usual life began. In nine months, Liv and Tour were born firstborn - the junior tour. In the same year, the first book of the traveler "In Search of Paradise", the critique gathered sluggishly. The tour was hardened more, he began to Handing, snapped on Liv and just mad from boredom. But suddenly found out that there are rock paintings in Canada, which take attention. Liv was happy, she wrote her mother: "The last year was so difficult! Now we broke out of this, we have new adventures ahead. "

Graffiti in honor of Tour Heyerdala

Graffiti in honor of Tour Heyerdala


But the trouble did not go anywhere. Pictures of young people saw, but on this joy of stay in Canada ended. Heyerdalam is not for what and there was no place to live, and Liv, meanwhile, was waiting for the second child. The tour was able to get only a worker at the factory for the smelting of lead, and a month later I could not stand again and just ran away from my wife and a small son in New York. Just began the Second World War, and he decided that she was much more interesting for household worries. The tour, of course, wanted to immediately go to the front, but for several years I had to study at a radar. Only by the end of the hostilities heyerdal was sent to the Norwegian province already liberated by allies and was shocked by the view of the burned houses and the starved population. He became a convinced pacifist. With Liv, he almost did not communicate at that time, and returned, discovered that she supported the conquerors. Divorce was inevitable.

A case of life

And finally, the legendary journey to the "Con-Tika"! In 1937, the tour highlighted the hypothesis that Polynesia Islands were populated by the people from South America. But she had to prove it. At first, he drove there to emerge the situation. He learned that the ancestors of the Polynesians sailed out of the ocean, as well as the fact that their God was called Tiki, as well as the legendary leader of the inhabitants of South America. However, the collected facts entered into a contradiction with one indisputable argument: the ancient peoples could not twist the ocean on the rafts. It was considered an axiom, and her tour and questioned. He removed to swam him on a wooden raft! None of the scientists believed in the idea, especially his famous anthropologist Herbert Spinden criticized him. He advised Tour to carry out a crazy idea. Such smiles of research Heyerdal met anyone who he told about them. So Liv with sons was betented in Norway, and the traveler himself was looking for funds for organizing an expedition. He wanted to shut up for the belt of everyone who does not believe him. But in search of financing it took almost ten years. Suddenly, the money came from the government to Peru, who attracted the idea that Polynesia settled their ancestors.

On April 27, 1947, a crowd gathered in the port of the Peruvian city of Cagliao, but, seeing the raft on the shore, everyone walked in laughter. "Madness!" - They shouted. Tour on broken english tried to convey to the public that he wants to achieve Polynesia. Everyone considered it an extraordinary attempt of suicide. The American ambassador unlocked the bravery so: "Your parents are very upset, having learned that you died!" But the confidence of the tour was transmitted to the team. He loved to repeat: "We were clear at that moment only one thing: if the raft falls apart from the coast, everyone will swim in Polynesia on the log, but will not return back."


Movie "Kon-Tika" (2012)

Photo: Frame from the movie

The next morning "Kon-Tika" gradually stated behind the horizon. It was assumed that in three months he would approach the Islands of Polynesia ... the marriage of the tour cracked on the seams, the money was long over, except for this crazy venture, he had nothing - and he believed! Holy believed in her!

Ocean weekdays began. Travelers slept on straw mattresses on the deck. Water on ancient customs was kept in bamboo barrels, and ate caught fish. "Wash it in the ocean scary - water is so dirty," recalled the tour. From entertainment on the raft there were guitar, parrot, vodka and books. The most exotic type of leisure was the hunt for sharks. The rules of the game were as follows: Calm as much predators as possible, drag them on board, and then do not let them cling to their feet. As a result, almost every hour one of the sharks came to life and began to grab everything around. Outless influx of adrenaline! The team in everything heard captain. Still, agree to the adventure, people could only with huge trust. They even tried not to notice that he was swimming, holding the edge of the root.

On August 7, 1947, in three months and ten days after the start of the expedition, Kon-Tika sat on the reef off the coast of Polynesia. On August 27, Heyerdal came into contact with the radio amateur radio amateur and asked him to convey to Dr. Spinden: "I checked the possibility of performing prehistoric swimming in Peru - Oceania. I consider the balz raft the most reliable of all primitive vehicles. " Heyerdal won.

"Con-Tika" presented him with a new life. The book written by him was translated by seventy languages, and the documentary filmed by them received Oscar. Heyerdal became the most popular traveler in the world. Unfortunately, Liv it was no longer necessary - the spouses divorced. Perhaps his role was played by Ivonn Dedekam-Simonsen, with which the traveler met a little earlier and on which he quickly married. Ivonn accompanied her husband in all expeditions, together they went to Easter Island and trying to be inseparable. He seemed to find the perfect woman, but she managed to change it. Ivonne suffered. She loved this Norwegian.

From Russia with love

With difficulty, the surname Heyerdal pronounced in Russia is not known. Khrushchev adored his ideas and constantly gone as a gift to a black caviar, and the book of the navigator stood on the shelf of each schoolchild. The tour was frequent of ethnological conferences in the USSR, and no one was surprised when he wanted to take on board the Russian satellite. Fate smiled Yuri Senkevich. At first, he almost fainted from excitement, but quickly realized that this is a real luck - friendship with Heyerdal allowed him to take him for thirty years to take the chair of the leading popular program "Finewife Club".

The first time Senkevich accompanied the tour in 1969. At that time, Heyerdal became interested in wagoning history in ancient Egypt and again in his studies resorted to the already tested method. The boat from a papyrus called "RA" was built in drawings from Egyptian tombs, right at the outbreak of the pyramids. Hardly you could compare it with Kon-Tika. Now Heyerdal was a star, and the money was not to find a problem. But the first swimming failed: both steering pads broke, and Papirus gave to flow. A few days later found on an inflatable raft. It's good that no one has suffered. Naturally, the Norwegian did not calm down. And the year did not go to the sea at a more perfect relative of "RA". The second attempt was crowned with the triumph, but again became a precursor divorce. Ivonn was last married with a tour of twenty years, but no longer could put up with treason. Think only, even at the wedding of the eldest son, he led his mistress!

Last wife traveler jacqueline bir

Last wife traveler jacqueline bir


Travels have always been more important for him. The next feat of Heyerdal was swimming on "Tigris". This time he thought to demonstrate how residents of Meternrech were contacted with the rest of the world with reed boat. After four months of swimming, the tour was waiting for an unpleasant surprise. The boat was denied the entrance to the water area of ​​the Red Sea, because the military vessels drifted here. Heyerdal went out of himself and set up "Tigris" in the sign


He did not go to the sea anymore, but continued to participate in ground-based expeditions. At the beginning of the nineties, the first guess that the Pyramids of the State University on Teinery-Fe are cult structures, rather than random stones. Then, on the Canar, found a building built as much as in the XV century! Yes, and personal life beat the key. He was already seventy-seven, when Heyerdal married for the third time on the former Miss France, Jacqueline Bir, which seems to be the last real love of the Norwegian. Finally he has been cooled. The wife was always there, the children set up contact with his father, and the grandson Wolve went on his footsteps and in 2006 repeated the success of swimming on the "Con-Tika", proving that it was not just good luck.

Norwegians honor the memory of the compatriot. In Oslo, his museum is located, the main exhibits of which are the "Kon-Tika" raft and the Papiral Rail "RA-2", as well as a giant statue from Easter Island. But many critics argue that Heyerdal became famous for scientific discoveries, but by the fact that he managed to present science as an exciting novel.

He died in the spring of 2001. The scientist died of a brain tumor surrounded by relatives. And it seems that only it could stop his adventures. All his life it was involved in the world research, and the usual life was in the second plan. Perhaps it was this that the first wives did not stand it, and this saved his third marriage - health was no longer allowed to leave the tour for a long time.

He loved to repeat: "I can't consider people who have lived millennium to us, below himself, and I will face when I come across disregard for them. I am pleased to click on the nose of the scientists of superstars. " Jacqueline hit the character of her husband. As he said: "I want to be with you to the end and is ready to sacrifice everything, except you for my ideas." She believed that the attraction of the tour to everything new, including women, finally passed. He made a choice.

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