Stretching: Stretching on the way to the perfect body


In the past few years, Stretching has acquired incredible popularity, and this fact is not in doubt, because from the correct stretching of the joints remain healthy, and the blood circulation is improved, and the functioning of systems important for the body is normalized.

If you are going to spend this summer on the beach, Stretching will become an excellent helper in the struggle for a beautiful body.

Is it possible to lose weight, actively engaged in stretching?

Of course, the same rapid and noticeable effect, as from power exercises, will not achieve, but by stretching the sinks there is a gradual decrease in centimeters in strategically important places. Of great importance is the quality of the exercises being performed, in addition, a healthy back and joints will help you to alternate stretching with a classic fitness, which will give a stunning result.

Where to begin?

Before you go to the gym for the power load, it is best to start with stretching classes, as the pumping of the press muscle does not give you a flat stomach, instead there will be an increase in volume. To get exciting bends, coaches advise to avoid "iron" in the hall, instead, combine stretching with cardiac. We will tell you several exercises for one of the most problematic zones - the press.

Everything is stretched

Everything is stretched


Stretching big muscle press

Going to a gymnastic mat face down. Bend your hands in the elbows and put them at the chest level, at the same time put the legs on the width of the shoulders on the socks. Do not rush in your hands, slightly flexing in the lower back. Fix the position with dispersed elbows for 10 seconds. We accept the starting position. It is recommended to perform 5-6 repetitions, gradually increasing their quantity.

Stretching lying

If you suffer from excess weight, this exercise will cause you less difficulties than the previous one. Going to the back, putting a bored towel under the lower back or a small oblong pillow. We relax all the muscles, we remain in such a position about 15-20 minutes. Do not forget deeply and dimly breathe during execution.

Stretching standing

Probably the most efficient exercise, as it requires more energy costs. Standing straight, dragging the legs on the width of the shoulders, we bring hands back and put on the back of the bird. Lightly be flexing in the lower back until you feel a little tension. Fix in this position for a few seconds. Then we carefully go back to its original position.

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