Trust, but check: Learning to analyze the posts of Beauty Blogers


In times, when people are ready to trust the recommendations from Instagram, without checking the education of the counselor and not realizing what consequences, the reception of "innocuous" bids can turn into, to convince them in the opposite is almost impossible. However, journalists do not give up and investigate cases in order to encourage blog readers to adequately critical thinking and reading proven sources of information. allocated the features of the competent blogger, which is less likely to deceive you.

Appropriate education

If your favorite blogger finished the faculty of chemistry, biology or studied at a medical university for a cosmetologist, you can be confident almost one hundred percent that this person is able to disassemble the composition of the cosmetic product and distinguish one component from the other. Competent bloggers one by one of the composition of the funds will be able to say whether it will show the effect indicated on the packaging or will lie in a dead cargo on the shelf in the bathroom. Posts with the analysis of the composition must be accompanied by an explanation than, for example, salicylic acid differs from azelain or why the popular mask will not be able to save you forever from black dots.

Good blogger He who reads information in proven sources

Good blogger He who reads information in proven sources

Argued position

Sources of information - this is the power of these experts. No cosmetologist can be a pro in all areas, but each in the power to understand the subject thing about it and simple words to tell about the data received by subscribers. First of all, open resources are appreciated with scientific articles, the text of which you can independently check and make sure the honesty of the person whose blog you are reading. Speakers are less valuable to other specialists, since their opinion may be biased, unlike a placebo test study. More rarely refer to books and other printed publications, which may not be found. If you like the blogging style, but you do not see sources in it, write a blog to the message and ask him about it. Many doctors read scientific literature before writing the post, but do not share links to it, as they think it's not interesting to anyone.

Collapse myths

It is important not only to interact with your audience, but also to analyze the work of competitors by niche. There is nothing terrible to disassemble the materials of other bloggers on the shelves and indicate where they are wrong. Through criticism, a person becomes better - this is not the case where it will be inappropriate. Often, such dissembly help people form an immunity to poor-quality content and stop buying all the info products only because they have released an idol. The same refers to products of cosmetics companies: honest bloggers write letters with disclaimers on corporate mail brands and even conduct expertise for their money. So last year, Katya Konasova's blogger exposed a popular cosmetic brand, in whose products, without a statement on the label, was added an antibiotic, which is prohibited by the law of Russia.

Do not be lazy and check the sources themselves

Do not be lazy and check the sources themselves

Open advertising

Bloggers are the same people who want to eat tasty, live in a cozy apartment and fly on vacation to the island. Their work is well paid by companies producing cosmetics. Only honest bloggers openly talk about what they offer you a product provided for a review and show readers only what they themselves tested. Such recommendations are useful to many girls - often they find unpopular brands with pleasant pricing policies and interesting products.

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