How to awaken your femininity?


How to awaken your femininity? 47510_1

I like it or not, but the laws of the universe are such that everything is permeated here with female and male energy and is born due to the combination of these energies. Even God personifies both the men's and women's side!

Both energies are equal, each of these principles is carrying its own, performs its high function. Ideally, they harmoniously interact and never conflict, but only support and inspire each other. One cannot exist without another - only when they together, integrity arises.

Key differences in the perception of energies of men and women

Male energy Jan.

It comes out of the top of the body: shoulders, throat and chest.

Her manifestations

- activity;

- aggression;

- Traffic;

- direction;

- sharpness;

- speed;

- Drive;

- perseverance;

- Space prolaming;

- the desire of battle and war;

- rivalry, competition, leadership;

- make out of themselves;

- destruction;

- Perseverance.

Female Energy Yin

It comes out of the bottom of the body: hips, uterus and abdominal bottom.

Her manifestations

- passivity;

- Waiting;

- disclosure of space;

- smoothness;

- tenderness;

- Preservation;

- enveloped;

- taking into account;

- concentration around itself a cozy corner;

- Heat;

- the desire to surrender to become part;

- Peace;

- calm;

- All magical, mystical, intangible (passion for rituals)

- intuition;

- Fighting evil.

"Principles of femininity" or why can a woman can all?

A woman is life. She personifies life, she gives life, she supports life. Flowers bloom next to her, children smile, animals stretch to her. She carries beauty and harmony everywhere - and this is her program, so inspiring to life - this is not just a desire, it is the most natural female need, as well as give your man that the very energy defense that it will turn into force, going to them both . It is a woman manages the entire inner life of the couple: creates a comfort, harmony, determines its emotional background. She will gladly take care of the space where there is a beauty and order in it, and, of course, the joy of being. A woman from nature is easy to rejoice in life - it has already been laid in it, and she must share this with a man.

What does a woman give a man?

Supports, gently sends, not trying to prevail over it, recognizes his championship in everything, his wisdom, its significance. She is an informal leader, as a man - the leader formal.

She can give him advice, but gently, imperceptibly, not hurt his dignity, and at the same time stay in the shade. As the sun gives light and heat ground, and the Earth due to this gives life to everything and our female spirit always speaks first. A man is very difficult to work with inspiration if there is a woman ... and not just inspire - to pacify. Make peace to any conflict, create a favorable emotional background. From the mood of a woman depends "Weather in the house" ...

"For each successful man worth the Great Soul of Women"

Why is it so? Because, having loved a man and taking love from him,

We protect it from energy impact due to their natural intuition. We will always tell me who is an enemy, and who is a friend, we love "failure" or the success of a different project - and this is not a mystic and no magic, this is what has been given to every woman from birth.

Our female friend is our left hemisphere, our intuition, which is not a man. This is our ability and passion to all mystical, incomprehensible, intangible - all sorts of rituals, traditions, fairy tales. It is natural, and it should be cultivated in yourself constantly!

What can be done in no case?

1. To talk about his man bad, discuss and criticize him in the presence of others or in his own circle, when he does not hear it. Any criticism destroys the relationship, both straight and hidden. Couples are a relationship of two and only two. They should not concern or friends nor colleagues or even parents. Any misunderstandings and conflicts should be solved only within your pair, because only you two know what you have. For the same reason, one should never criticize the friends of a man, his relatives, especially - His parents, but not allowing to do the same in relation to themselves.

Theorem: Any disrespect of his wife sooner or later turns to her husband with disrespect in social life.

Realization of women in relationships:

- Show care of a man. It can be absolutely different, individual for your pair. There are no advice here - they simply can not. You yourself will feel that you need your man at this moment. Your man you will feel silent: like a kitty, like a tigress, maybe even like a lioness :)

"Peaceful him means when he finds himself near, he relaxes, he forgets everything." Your warrior is gaining strength for future accomplishments ... "Get you tired from endless self-analysis, call me. Dance! "

- to make a variety, beauty and aesthetics into sexual relationships. There is no woman in writing fairy tales equal in writing. So transfer your skill on your bed - and you will return to you.

- Do not regret the time to care for your body - make it the most gentle, elastic, soft and fragrant - and to disclose your sexuality: for this there is a lot of exercises and techniques. Very good thing is Tantra.

- Do not take sexual relationships with a bargaining, promotion or training. It is low and not worthy of a woman. A woman is always having sex for his pleasure to return his man in a twice.

- Support and inspire with dignity, with respect and respect. Do not consider this humiliation, but to fulfill its true purpose in relationships.

- Hold up his male qualities, remind him that he is a man.

- Solve, soften when you need. Remember? "If a man is sharp as a knife, become softer oil" © Shahryzade.

- Do not criticize his friends, his career, his family. In no cases. NEVER.

Simple techniques: how to strengthen femininity with imaginary ways?

Watch the right movies - where there is an example of true femininity and masculinity. Usually this is the screening of the classics. I adore "Jane Air", "Pride and Prejudice" ... I can review the clock, years ...

Listen to music - classic or joyful and soulful. Play under it, if smoking, spinning, dance ... Instruct to dance and your man - it doesn't matter that he did not do it in life! Move it!

Make / watch / allow, if possible, only beautiful. Dress in bright and light tones, use floral print, wearing as much feminine elements as possible: earrings, chains, beads, rings, heels ...

Follow speech and movements. Movements should be smooth, and the voice is calm and quiet. Scream, resent - all this manifestation of male nature.

Part two. Why can a man can all?

This part will be less. Why? The man is all easier - he has its own tasks, but they are solved by logical chains. To reveal the female entity logic will not work - therefore, a woman is more difficult to work on themselves and longer, but she has more and recovery, and the karmic task in this life is much glifted.

What does a man give a woman?

Care and attention, tenderness and peace. The man lights the fire, the woman supports this fire.

The man is still easier - a woman is not so important in life, he is important to be accomplished, but for accomplishments he is sure to need true, loving and strong woman with his femininity!

Theorem: A man needs a feeling of its importance, woman - care and attention.

Simple techniques for amplifying masculinity:

Watch movies - where there is an example of true masculinity - chivalry. Militants - It is important to "overdo it" with them, there are too much aggression, but the battle scenes of a man are simply needed, like adventures, as well as fantasy.

To try to make decisions yourself - and if it did not work out, do not scold and not execute yourself for mistakes. Make conclusions and go on.

Cultivate in yourself as a leader, teacher and mentor.

Making a male sport, but without excessive aggression - nothing "bloody" or not hard.

Make something noble, meaningful. Yes even a dog save ...

Wear clothes that emphasizes gender difference. Masculinity is not necessarily a suit with a butterfly, that's all that is not a teenager style, where there is no rash and where the "I - a man" promise is clearly traced.


Working with female and male energy in "Cooking sessions"

What is choppernika? This is a unique method that makes it possible to enter your own subconscious and, after a certain internal work, remove all sorts of causes of psychological problems.

Stage First . We ask yourself a question: "What should I do to me back to my femininity / masculinity?"

Stage second. "Bookmark" into the space of an ideal partner, ideal relationships with the current partner. This is old good visualization. You can draw this portrait by yourself, and close to you write all the qualities that are defined for you as "ideal." Remember - the Universe does not have the concept of "ideal" in principle. There is ideal for you and here it is important not to miss, otherwise the universe "I think" everything for you and will send what she wants at the moment))).

Questions and prompts:

"What needs to be changed in my soul, to live a perfect partner / spiritual couple / star half?"

"What do I want from the relationship?"

"What kind of love is my soul at this stage of life?"


Before our life comes the ideal partner, it is necessary to become the "ideal partner" for him.

Remember: If a woman wants to meet a real man, then it should be an ideal woman.

ERROR : Sit and wait when you come to you and make sure? No one will come. It will come when we are happy by ourselves and are ready to make it yourself.

Theorem without evidence: strive for pure relationships, to great love without consumerism and contractual.

Ask for the space of a person who and you are willing to give love, care, not a friend, lover, sponsor "caring mom", "obedient son" or someone else ...

And do not forget to ask your subconscious: "What is the highest goal of spiritual ministry with my couple?"

The reasons why you do not give a couple:

1. The purpose of the relationship in the pair is not clearly defined, or it is not true.

2. Egoism, consumer consciousness - ready only to take. A person wants love, admiration, care, and care himself does not want and does not know how.

3. Sprout to the opposite sex, the inability to show respect in the relationship.

4. Violation of the principles of female and male energy in man. Lack of understanding the basics of female and male duties.

5. Inability to appreciate what fate gives. Sometimes we receive a partner, but we see only shortcomings in it, forgetting about the dignity. Do not know how to love. Therefore, we do not give partner at all, or he leaves us.

All peace and love.

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