Spring Travel Horoscope 2020


Aries 21.03 - 19.04

Aries can face the problem relating to their professional sphere. It is now important to decide for yourself what you want from life. For a rest, now is not the best time, but if you firmly decide to go on a journey, remember: any activity that includes self-expression, will deliver you a great pleasure and attract it to you, and will also help strengthen your position in the eyes of comrades. You do not prevent a cheerful company and the surroundings of people close to the spirit of people, besides, it will not be expensive to save money, so Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan or even Red Polyana will be the best directions.

Taurus 20.04 - 20.05

Tales are stubborn, therefore, by virtue of their nature, they may not notice the obvious things that lie on the surface, and will not be able to take validity. Stars advise to be attentive and look at the world with a different look, especially - do not ignore the threat of coronavirus for the sake of their own good. Choose only safe directions! If these directions do not attract you to somehow diversify your weekdays and make bright colors, the stars recommend you to attend some interesting cultural events, without leaving the city.

Gemini 21.05 - 20.06

In early April, the twins may encounter the problem of fatigue and decline. It is not necessary to despair, but just start doing in the morning charging, make your favorite hobbies and distracted from urgent problems. Rest in Sunny countries will be the necessary inverect. All you need is now, the sun, the beach and a good book. All inclusive and good service is the necessary bonuses. At your service Emirates, Egypt, Israel. If you do not have time to fly in April, maybe you also work perfectly.

Known Akhmetzhanova

Known Akhmetzhanova

Cancer 21.06 - 22.07

You, like some of your loved ones, feel a special excitement, thirst for adventure and tide of original ideas. All this will bring you interesting leisure, bold plans for the future and a lot of fun. Be open to new impressions and do not be afraid to embody even the most bold ideas in reality! Bali, Thailand, India - these directions that promise freedom and spiritual search should be considered in the first place. Cracks will strive for equilibrium, every step will be successful anyway.

Lion 23.07 - 22.08

Dear lions, no matter how much you want to escape from the bustle of distant countries, it makes sense to postpone trips to a more favorable time. Problems requiring decisive action from you cannot wait long. In addition, you need more time to pay your health. Problems can cause incorrect meals, therefore, exclude all the calorie and fat from the diet. Of course, exotic travel on travel can only harm. Take a pause for a couple of days, stay at home or go to the spa, and then prepare the soil to go there, where you want with a relaxed soul.

Virgo 23.08 - 22.09

This period for the virgins will be filled with loneliness, but it is not bad. Now all things will be made easier, because no one bothers and does not give advice. All March Virgin will be engaged in solving problems, and successfully! During the second of April, you should avoid any kind of gossip, intrigue and adventure. Once in this kind of processes, you risk seriously spoiling your reputation and remain guilty to what the most surface attitude had. It is much better to escape from the temptations and negative in some pleasant European capital, where you can enjoy a rich cultural heritage with you, for example, to Vienna or Budapest.

Bali, Thailand, India - Excellent directions for crayfish

Bali, Thailand, India - Excellent directions for crayfish

Photo: unsplash.com.

Scales 23.09 - 22.10

On the one hand, you will want a stormy life, bustle and adventure, and on the other - peace and peace. This dilemma will not give you peace during March. To find the answer, you will need to spend time and consult with those who usually help you solve some complex questions, such as parents, a psychologist or close friends. The answer will be found by the beginning of April, and, on the basis of this, you can safely draw up plans for the near future. Stars prompt you such directions as Indonesia and Thailand - most likely, there you can find everything you need.

Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11

Many scorpions will face family problems. If this happens, you will have to make a decision that will be entirely dependent on you. Take weighted solutions, the second attempt may not be. Stars prompt you that a family trip will help to identify the root of all problems and contribute to the harmonization of relationships. Direction Choose positive and sunny, such as Spain or Portugal.

Sagittarius 22.11 - 20.12

Sagittars are advised not to relax this month and drive the thoughts about throwing everything and break on the journey as you like. Dedote the entire period of work. Now you can fulfill all the goals that have been scheduled for a long time. Do not forget about health, your immunity also requires attention. And much more favorable for travel will be the second half of May. Here the stars recommend that you choose intelligent routes by city of Russia.

Capricorn 21.12 - 19.01

Do not let others decide anything for you, during April it will bring you only disappointment. Even if the choice should be very difficult in various situations, the stars recommend that you rely on your experience and intuition and not trust the opinion on the part. Only your own solutions will be the only true! Regarding the travels - do not go about friends if you feel that everyone is deciding for you, and you do not sue you. Better to give up the trip or try to defend your point of view, since the probability will be more likely to regret. Think about the mineral waters or Altai Mountains. Rest will leave indelible impressions.

Aquarius 20.01 - 17.02

It's time is the time to go on vacation, on a journey or at least take the ran down for a couple of days to spend them, resting and doing you bring pleasure. If you do not have such an opportunity, do not be discouraged: April in any case will bring joyful events into your life! Choose fun and warmth - Spain, Brazil, Portugal, Indonesia will bring you unforgettable emotions.

Fish 18.02 - 20.03

Trips with the aim of privacy and self-analysis to the places already loved to you will be most relevant in the spring. The likelihood is that certain events will make you realize how deeply you are in captivity of our own illusions. It may hurt you strongly, since the ideas about some kind of person or the situation will change dramatically from positive and colorful. Do not be discouraged and be sure to make your choice. Crimea is waiting for you, especially since he is rich in places of power.

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