

Option 47441_1

Anna sang in Mariinsky.

When she touched the door handle - wooden, massive, carved, and included in the coolness of the building with the sounds characteristic of the theater, violins, arias, the soul took off and became good-good. She was here at home, everyone knew her, she knew everyone.

Usually, entering here, Anna forgot everything and dissolved in music. But today I could not focus. From my head did not go the morning conversation with her husband.

Igor was cooked in a coffee Turk. He loved properly cooked, with corks of salt, with a rising cap of the coffee foam, and this hedgerene ritual was better not to violate. However, today he violated him himself, barely kicking her light steps and kissed her cheek, began to talk about the dura-boss, who does not appreciate him at all, does not increase his salary, and he will go straight today and tell her everything he thinks about her right today!

Anna Kivala, stirred a spoonful tea and thought where he took these socks of a chalky color. Some gray-raver-raspberry, as Olga Sergeyevna expressed, his maman. The son of taste was not attracted, Anna thought gloatingly. I certainly do not forces. Igor Igor's career flight and did not know how much before and serve myself, and recently I became behind three, I got a festive bundle, I dressed in some ridiculous Hawaiics - Spaschiki ... Anna was not up to the man's wardrobe: first, There is a concert on the nose, and secondly, there are works and more cooking. Wants to look funny - let it look like.

"And I will leave," Igor went on a joke. - Let it still be looking for such a fool for such a salary!

- Where will you leave? - raised her head from Anna tea. - And what will we live on what?

"I have already invented everything," Igor today was in shock. - I will create programs for traveling. A man goes, for example, from Kaluga to Moscow, puts the disc - and there everyone will tell him: what happened in these places in the old days, who lived, which songs were written in the old days ...

- Who rides Moscow? - The nefple asked Anna. - trucker?

- Why a trucker? Tourist, for example. Or just a person on affairs goes ...

"AAA," Anna extended and decided. - We need to talk, Igor.

They lived in marriage for fifteen years. Loved each other, but what about it. When I got acquainted, Anna, an enthusiastic, fond of, was unpacitably similar to Heroin Elena Nightingale - there was before such an actress with an alternate face. Igor looked like a young Kostoloshevsky. Couple was - Ploy! And what were the joint plans for life!

For fifteen years, plans remained the plans. Not fulfilled was the most important thing in any family plan - children. They did not have children, it is not clear why. Doctors did not find special problems, but there were no children. In the end, they decided even on Eco - but it did not come out.

The last chance remained.

"I want to adopt a child, Igor."

Igor pulled his hand, shed coffee.

- In terms of?

- In direct. I want to adopt a child. While we are young, while there are strength.

- No, wait, well, how is it to adopt? We will have our own, you just have to wait ...

- How much wait? Fifteen years we are waiting, you can not wait. In general, I decided.

- Did you decide? And I, then, no one? And I, it means, you just need to put before the fact, but to consult anything?

Then followed the ugly scene in which Igor compared his wife with his boss, said that no one understands him and was not considered with him, and ran to work, slamming the door.

Lord, and the sandals are these where he took, sadly looked after him Anna.

What to do next, it was incomprehensible. One child will not pull, but one, it seems, and do not give. Igor rested. In such cases, it was useless to persuade him, she also knew.

After the rehearsal, Anna called his friend - the only one who was shared by everyone. Well, or almost to all. We agreed to dine in Vincent.

Light on beet carpaccio, Masha listened to Anna's story about the morning events and said with his mouth stuffed:

- There is another option. You have not tried everything.

Anna even suffocated from indignation.

- Not all? Yes, you know: all doctors went around, all grandmothers ...

"Not all," Masha repeated, having fun in killery wine. "You say honestly, a girlfriend, in addition to Igor, have anyone ever been at all?"

- No, - Anna blushed.

"Holy," Masha looked around. - Your reputation is so impeccable, which is not sin and sin, sorry for the tautology! You have sexual incompatibility with Igor, I read about it. Does not want your climb of his spermatozoa. And others may want. You need to try!

- What do you suggest Igor to change me? - Anna strictly looked at Masha.

"No, I suggest you get pregnant," Masha got angry. - And for this, all means are good!

- Well, after all, it may not work with another?

- Maybe. But you at least conscience will be cleaned when you all attempts.

Anna wondered. She was not ready for married treasure, could not imagine someone else's man in the arms.

- In general, think, - Masha has already paid. - Thinking - call, I will help you find, it's not a problem at all!

A week later, Anna called.

- I'm ready. Help with option.

"Option" turned out to be a nice little man with a beard of an intelligent species named Misha. Everything went like in a dream - Anna even badly remembered that and as it was, because he thought only about one thing: "I would rather end out." Misha was attentive and helpful, I wanted to spend it to the house, but she refused under a faithful pretext and ran away.

Every day she listened to himself, trying to understand: a new life originated in it or not. She wanted this child and did not want him. It was ashamed, scary, she slept, looked like. Igor did not understand what was happening to her, he asked, did not get sick, glanced inadmanly. He stopped talking about the dura-boss, even called his wife to the movies, which was not happening for a hundred years.

A day when I went to the monthly, Anna was happy. She realized that he could not lie her husband that he could not forgive her treason, and that life could fly to Tartarara because of this of her rash act. Flying around the apartment, she covered a festive table, a little cooled a cherished bottle of Barolo, brought from Italy once ...

- By what occasion is a banquet? - Igor was surprised.

- on the occasion of a successful concert, - Located Anna. She knew how to lie on trifles. - Well, in general, we didn't sit so much for a long time, with a bottle ...

-Aaa ... And what a concert did not call? I did not know that today ...

When they had already finished the bottle, Igor, hugging Anna, told her ear:

- And you know, I thought I thought, I thought ... Let's really be asleep. Boy. We ask the refusal, which just was born ... We call a teddy bear ...

"Well, no," Anna flinched. - Let's call Igor. Igor Igorevich. In my opinion, very beautiful. And they, kissing on the go, moved to the bedroom.

In nine months, the boy was born at Anna and Igor. Named Igor, as they gathered. Igor Igorevich - beautifully sounds!

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