Julia Romashina: "Tolya was a fantastic man"


Anatoly Romashin Eighteen-year-old Julia once seemed angel. She really had wings behind her - the pictures of "Etudes about Vrubel" were shot ... Everyone found something positive for himself in this union. Anatoly Vladimirovich was rejoiced to every moment spent next to a fun, smiling and caring Julia. She found in his face of the faithful knight - intelligent, intelligent, ironic and at the same time a romantic man. And this plank of personal relationships, as our heroine admits, was very high. Today she has another life. She does not often go to secular events, does not "sell" face. Prefers to be an actress that directors are called, based on its abilities. Removed into the cinema, plays in the "School of Modern Plays" theater. Grow two wonderful sons of Dmitry and Daniel. Does not lose hopes to meet a "his" person. But at the same time, it believes that it is not necessary to be with someone to feel happiness.

Julia, when did you decide to become an actress?

Yulia Romashina: "I am a Kiev woman, and the first memories of childhood are connected with the native yard on Podol, where I rode on a three-wheeled bike, and in the breaks between the races, I spoke to local granny, sang, read poems. Moreover, he played not only in the actress, but also in the director at the same time - demanded from the audience applause. (Smiles.) I grew quite active, always had all my opinion, raised younger sister. I gave her a name. Mom dreamed of calling Tanya, but I warned that Tanya would take it into the window and communicate only with Natasha. Parents did not argue with me. The commander was, in one word. And I really wanted to engage in music. But, alas, led me to the appropriate school was no one. Probably, in this sense, my sons were not lucky - they are studying music and for themselves, and for me. Senior, seventeen year old Dmitry, plays both the piano and guitar. And the youngest, six-year-old Daniel, also began to play the game on the piano. "

And what other abilities are they endowed, since we immediately spoke on this topic?

Julia: "Dima entered the International English College UWC, whose branches are scattered throughout the light, and left to study in Armenia. I hope, after the end of this educational institution, he will receive a diploma, will speak English fluently, in Spanish, in Italian and will decide on a future profession. Unfortunately, now everything is driven into some frameworks that the social environment is asked, the market of demand and suggestions, the course of the euro and the dollar, and most choose a guaranteed piece of bread and goes either into lawyers or in economists, without listening to themselves. And I'm not to exist in the template scheme. Therefore, I advised Dima to look around, wait with the decision. He is good comprehensively - and draws great, and removes well-professional equipment, and writes wonderful. I have no doubt that he will find his calling. Like Daniel, which is much emotionally older, reserved and quite closed brother. We go to the lecture on art in the Tretyakov Gallery, on Karate for a sports tone, and it is also very passionate about the reconstruction of historical battles - it's easier, the game in the soldiers. (Laughs.) Children I have creative. "

So the eighteen-year-old Julia looked like, when I met a future husband. Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Romashina.

So the eighteen-year-old Julia looked like, when I met a future husband. Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Romashina.

Surely you also wanted to create something significant. And in the field of art, although your parents were far from this area ...

Julia: "True. Mom I have a designer engineer, and the father is a microevm. Both worked on closed, military factories. And I went to the actress. Moreover, the Kiev Theater Institute did not receive and went there with a free Wolve. I started to shoot a schoolgirl. I, as in the cinema, caught on Kradatik by hand when I walked in the company of girlfriends, and invited to the studio. "What kind of movie?" I asked. "What is your business," the man replied. "Wow, style of communication! Apparently, the draw, "thought. And at home, Mom reported that this is so the film is called, she saw an ad in the newspaper. Well, I went. "

When you played an angel in the ribbon "Etudes about Vrubel", met with a famous actor Anatoly Romashin ...

Julia: "Yes, I wandered in a break with plywood wings behind your back. I saw a sad man, asked that he was sad. He explained that hungry, and I took it to the place where I fed the porridge. I absolutely knew nothing about his popularity, I saw Anatoly only in "agony". At that time, I closely followed the works of Anna Terekhova, Alice Freindlich, Alexey Batalov, which I really liked. Anatoly Vladimirovich root and asked my phone. I just entered the WTU at that time. Schukina, began to live in the capital, and we began to see him. "

How quickly developed your relationship?

Julia: "About six months Anatoly Vladimirovich won me. On my part there was no love at a glance, but the fortress was in the end fell, since this man was so hard, surrounded me with such attention that it was impossible to resist. My fans-peers, of course, were not expressed in the class. Romashin was a fantastic man. Gallant knight. His sense of humor fascinated, I gave me pleasure. He could without tension, ironically discharge any situation. "

In his interview, Romashin has repeatedly said that you are cheerful, and with fun you can live life ...

Julia: "So we lived twelve years ... I'm really not inclined to Handre, depressed. And toly, by the way, was still romantic, despite age. He loved to prevent surprises, could climb on the eaves on the front of my second floor and knock on the window at night ... From the height of the years you could say that my husband was a very noble man and completely not selfish, which is extremely rare among the actors' male. Tolya once figured the definition, which, in his opinion, means love - "This is extreme attention to another." And he also said that "a man should always love at least five minutes, but more." I quickly argued with him, but now I agree for one hundred percent. Wrong when it happens on the contrary. "

Julia and Sons Dmitry and Daniel and Parents, Love Sergeyevna and Boris Mikhailovich. Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Romashina.

Julia and Sons Dmitry and Daniel and Parents, Love Sergeyevna and Boris Mikhailovich. Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Romashina.

And you can not be accused of mercantilism, since the famous actor lived to be restricted and led the lady of the heart into a studio apartment ...

Julia: "We and I lived enough for a long time in the Patriarch ponds, and only a lot later, with the help of Joseph Davydovich Kobzon, moved to a two-room apartment in the Arbat area, where I live together with the children."

Anatoly Vladimirovich possessed an appearance, played officers, aristocrats, knew how to elegantly wear any historic suit. In life, he also dress up with taste?

Julia: "Of course. Playing the breed, become, the nobility is impossible. The essence of a person is reflected in appearance, especially after forty. And the screen as it reveals! Camera cannot be deceived. Tolya monitored himself, knew how to dress, and without my tips. In the clothes were not alien to the originality, could choose a bright-salad blast. That is, hooliganism peculiar to him, some youthful pad manifested in the details. "

And he fell in love with you like a boys ...

Julia: "And this feeling did not fade. Life was not easy, but our boat did not break about him. Do you know why? We initially did not have the division of duties. If only the wife prepares in some pairs and suddenly it did not fulfill it because of employment or bad well-being, claims grow to it. For me personally, this is some kind of job in the relationship. Yes, I stood at the slab with pleasure, but my husband also adored cooking and could change me. Moreover, if I culinary-conservative, then Tole prevented all sorts of products. The most ordinary scrambled eggs could connect with pepper, with porridge, and it was delicious. He served as a dish for gourmet. A delicate taste has been observed in all aspects of life. We fully coincided in the plan of some Estette approach. Although once we went to buy a chandelier and, because of her, I almost came up right in the store. I liked something air with a scattering light, and Tol liked a modern lamp, but similar to the old, with such plafones, which resemble pre-revolutionary Venetian glass. We fiercely argued until the husband in the hearts did not take me a visor of the caps on the eyes. I did the same with his cap and ran out to the street. And a few minutes later, the roofy, satisfied, went with the purchase, and we silently went home. This chandelier hangs here and now. "

With temperament, Dmitry went to his father. Externally restrained, all emotions boil inside. Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Romashina.

With temperament, Dmitry went to his father. Externally restrained, all emotions boil inside. Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Romashina.

You covered the stars when a huge piece of life of your second half was behind and there were two families - wives, daughters ... You did not like what you have too much incomplete impressions?

Julia: "No, I was so confident in myself that I did not compare myself with anyone. I even didn't have jealousy to his former women, and I did not ask any questions. I, in principle, is never interested in past men. And with his daughters - Tatiana from the first marriage and Maria from the second - I found a common language. Tanya in the past television driver, speaker ORT, and Masha is a translator from Spanish. And we are not strangers to each other. And with the first wife, Galina, we saw each other, and with the second wife, actress, Spanish Margarita Merino, friends now. "

But you did not avoid crises, one day was going to divorce ...

Julia: "Such moments happen in marriages. Any union undergoes cataclysms. Another thing is that someone allows the relationship to collapse, and someone saves them. Our difference at the age went to us only in plus. I always didn't care about public opinion, although it became more likely to come across a frank condemnation, and with real threats from the crazy fans of the spouse. One such fan that was infinitely called to us, promising to throw me with sulfuric acid, I caught the sleeve on the street ... We both felt like each other as a stone wall. And I liked when he said that age is not the number of years, but the number of remaining moments. And we appreciated them. "

Anatoly Vladimirovich died because of a fallen pine where was happy, - in Pushkino, at the cottage, which he built himself ... He was still crappy that a rare phenomenon in the artistic environment ...

Julia: "Tolya just did the furniture virtuoso. In our studio apartment, he completely drank the kitchen. And in the country, the kitchen and the dining room did himself. He independently created a wooden house project, controlled construction. After the tragedy, the house burned down, and I sold the plot. But he never ceased to dream of his own mansion in English in nature. Drew a bunch of drawings, as it should look. With joy, turning on the construction, to repair is my element. I hope that in the future I will still be able to fulfill my dream and become a countryweed. "

Tell me, and the spouse nothing wrong with that day did not preny?

Julia: "A week before this tragedy, in my birthday, a deceased mother came to Tol, who did not dream of him for many years. He was very concerned. I perceived it as a sign. And on that day, the eighth of August, the husband woke up at dawn, despite the fact that we flew from the film festival on the eve. And in order not to get into traffic jams, went to the cottage. Agreed that I will come later ... "

You have become a widow at twenty-nine years, it is a serious test. What supported you?

Julia: "First, I am a soldier man, and I have certain benchmarks. Secondly, Tolini Friends supported. Especially its closest comrade, businessman Shalva Chigirinsky. It helps so far, although for fourteen years has passed after the tragedy. My friend of childhood Vitya Dudin was also always there. Like the writer Dima Lipskers, whose godfather I am. As a rule, I count on myself, but I have people who help in a difficult moment. They are truly nearby. I remember, my girlfriends celebrated my thirty at home, and Shalva sent gifts with his assistants and at the midst of the evening called to congratulate. But when I learned that everything happens to us modestly and Camero, said: "You have a round date, it should be noted wide and joyfully. Believe, toly now is upset, so immediately gather and come to me on the oozen! "We obeyed, arrived, and there was a luxury table for us, we sang a karaoke until the morning, and it was a truly grand festival. So I can state: Toli had real friends. From the most beloved - Shalva, Boria Khmelnitsky and Alexey Stychkin (the father of the actor Evgenia Skychkin - approx. Auth.). Often we at home organized piring, cozy gatherings. And I was unconditionally accepted in this circle. Confuez happened only at first: we lost our relationship for a long time, and when Alexander Shirvindt learned about them, he said that he was not worthy of such a young person immediately dip in a family life (smiles.) ".

Cottage was a favorite holiday location Anatoly Vladimirovich, much here he did with his own hands. Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Romashina.

Cottage was a favorite holiday location Anatoly Vladimirovich, much here he did with his own hands. Photo: Personal archive of Yulia Romashina.

When the bar is so high, difficult then ...

Julia: "Yes, although I was married for the second time."

And why wasn't the marriage with the father of your younger son Daniel, producer Vadim Dubrovitsky?

Julia: "Justs your man or not yours. Not your sooner or later will disappear and find an excuse. And your stay nearby, in spite of everything, even if you're driving it. A man should decide on herself to decide that he is with you, put priorities. Well, if there is a doubt, it is floating in the flow ... alas, today's generation of men is quite infantal. "

How do I understand, at the moment you are in single swimming?

Julia: "Yes, I am not married. And it is not looking for anyone, I'm not waiting. In principle, it is not inclined to live in standby mode. I am a supporter of the most saturated stay of today's day. The only thing that plans are plans is for a summer holiday. (Laughs.) If God will give me a man with whom it is possible to live life, then I was open to this meeting. If not, I will not be sad and bored. In life, so much stunning, and for the sensation of happiness, someone else is not required. I have a neighbor, she is eighty years old, and not only that she is a mother of four children, so also such a restless love and a dreamer. I wanted to rise to the mountains and meet the dawn on top - and did. I will probably also travel in old age with Azart. Here the main thing is to realize that the world is always perfect, regardless of, badly to you today or well. And any sadness finite. I like my age, the presence of life experience, and, in fact, despite the difficulties that, undoubtedly harden, I am a happy person, and often smile. "

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