Ethics lesson: how to save the planet, causing it


Today, in order to make your contribution to the salvation of the planet (and it definitely needs it), it is not necessary to take high posts in the government or enter the radical "green" organizations. Consciousness and ethirt in consumption is that bye for each of us.

About ethiquids in the field of beauty Some manufacturers began to think even at the turn of the twentieth and XXI centuries. Then it became finally clear that the pursuit of profit is often walking on the heads, and the results of such a strategy are crying. The depletion of natural resources, the destruction of local original production, ill-treatment of animals, on which our favorite creams are testing, a plastic boom that destroys the ecosystem of the seas and forests, endless landfills, poisoning the already far from purity air ...

The awareness of the impact on the world is not only huge corporations, but also a separate consumer, such as we with you, led to the emergence of a number of new concepts, originally wondered in the usual site of beauty.

It all started with respect for animals: activists who spent the rights of our smaller brothers, called on to stop using cosmetics without marking Cruelty Free ("without cruelty"). In response to a kind of boycott of numerous buyers, a large number of brands reprogrammed their laboratories and factories, and now the white rabbit icon, which guarantees the lack of animal tests, appears on the jars and tubes are increasingly. So the choice of buyers influenced the whole industry.

Further - more: in the middle of zero, we survived the real boom of organic cosmetics, which captured all the counters. Fanaticism with fanaticism as part of toxic, harmful components, harmful to humans and nature - and without pity they refused favorite products. The result can be proud, because today the brands are increasingly inviting buyers to production, become open and responsible, try not to use destructive compositions.

Finally, the last step towards the formation of a new type of consumer - and a new type of cosmetics producer - has become a change in the relationship to the society of consumption as a whole. The global trend towards the reduction of things and services that fill our life has been reflected in the field of beauty and health. The popularity of Korean type of care was the popular, when we must use up to ten products at one reception (without this, a clear case, beauty does not reach). Cosmetologists try to convey to their customers a simple truth: more - does not mean better. In short, we began to take responsibility for their actions and one way or another to influence the environmental situation on the planet.

Ethics lesson: how to save the planet, causing it 47388_1

What are we looking for? First of all - mineral oils, or Mineral Oils. This is one of the cheapest and low-quality "oil" components that creates an impenetrable film on the skin.


Toxic relationships

Let's go from general words to specifics. To start dive into the topic of eco-beauty, it is important to understand exactly how the routine care can become ethical.

First of all, it is necessary to have an inventory of your shelves in the bathroom and the dressing table to understand what kind of funds serve your beauty and health. Understand which surplus you remain. Remember: throwing unfinished products, you encourage sales growth, and therefore production. And no matter how safe and careful it is, it is better to generally reduce its turnover - such is the global goal of conscious consumers. In order not to give in to the desire to buy, buy and buy, analyze what is suitable for you, which goes "in zero", and what is particularly popular and demand.

If there were those among the favorite tools that test products on animals, which contains many products of oil refining and carcinogens, it is better to abandon their use. What are we looking for? First of all - mineral oils, or Mineral Oils. This is one of the cheapest and low-quality "oil" components, which creates an impenetrable film on the skin - and therefore welcome comedones, dehydration, slowing the regeneration of the epidermis.

Avoid formaldehyde in any concentration, beware of phthalates, which are often added to perfume compositions. This is a whole group of substances, and some of them are relatively harmless, others have long been listed on toxic - it is better not to risk and not experiment.

As for Silicon and Paraben, the question of them is perhaps the most controversial and acute in the beauty industry. The fact is that without these ingredients it is quite difficult to create a cheap product, because the essence of parabens - in conservation, and silicones - in stabilization of cosmetic formulas. These "fighters" are harmful or secure or safely discussed today. How to be? Choose products, where the listed components are closer to the end of the list as part. So we can be sure of the fact that their concentration is minimal.

Get acquainted with labels and labels that sign up for you that you are relatively safe material.

Get acquainted with labels and labels that sign up for you that you are relatively safe material.


Meet the clothes

An important step towards ethicality will be a refusal to use undetected plastic, in which our creams, serum and shampoos are placed. Make a choice in favor of bioplasty! Eco-Likbez says: This is a material created from plants, and this is what guarantees him the opportunity to "dissolve" in nature, almost (keyword!) Without harming it. Usually, wheat, potatoes and corn, as well as beets, sugar cane and some fruits are used to produce such plastic.

Get acquainted with labels and labels that sign up for you that you are relatively safe material, this is a triangle formed from three arrows, with a digital designation inside and alphabet. So, we are looking for the following numbers and letters: 1 Pet, 2HDPE, 3 PVC, 4LDPE, 5 PP, 6 PS, 7OTHER, 9 ABS, as well as triangles without numbers - PA and an empty figure with arrows.

By the way, do not forget about glass packaging, which completely "suits" and the environment of the planet, and the cosmetic products themselves (because their composition does not react with glass). Also pay attention to the so-called replenished packages - they are called refilles and use many stamps. Their essence is simple: after you used to the end tool, relate a jar to the manufacturer who simply replenishes your "container".

There are both "naked" products, without packing, are dry solid shampoos, body oils in compressed briquettes. The compositions of them are usually completely natural, and you will have to get used to the peculiarities of their use. If you are not ready for this yet, stop the choice on banks and bottles without additional (most often cardboard) packaging: Believe me, it does not affect the quality of lotion, gel or s serv.

We can adjust not only cosmetic, but also hygienic care

We can adjust not only cosmetic, but also hygienic care



In a conversation about ethical beauty care, it is impossible to bypass the topic of direct production of cosmetics. In addition to the principles already mentioned (no cruelty, there is no aggressive plastic, there is no toxic composition) there is another important component that cannot be forgotten. We are talking about careful and respectful attitude to the work of people who grow, collect and process raw materials - the future active ingredients of your funds. It is gratifying to understand that many brands have entered the program on fair trade and buy their ingredients without infringe upon the profits and rights of local companies and private suppliers.

But that is the initiative of the huge industry. And what else can we do, here and now? Everything is simple: In addition to the choice, which we make daily in favor of ethical or "unclean" products, we can adjust not only cosmetic, but also hygienic care, refusing disposable gaskets (special bowls are coping with their functions), plastic toothbrushes with synthetic bristles (Wooden analogues with a natural pile - excellent compromise!). We can use universal products, concentrated means (less than the volume - less bank). We can turn off the water during the cleaning of the teeth, reduce the number of bath meals.

Rebuild and immediately become an ethical consumer - unconditional utopia. But step by step, we bring the time when our planet can wear a proud title of green - in every sense of this word.

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