I'm not afraid of you: how to recognize the abuser


In relations are unacceptable manifestation of any violence, both physical and psychological. However, a huge part of the steam to one degree or another tolerate emotional violence from each other, not even realizing it. Thus, a person gets moral satisfaction from the suffering of a partner. How to understand that you found yourself in toxic relationships? We will tell.

You are afraid to say superfluous

As a rule, in a pair, where one of the partners feels his power over the other, the dictatorship reigns: a partner-manipulator does not give a second half to express his opinion, no criticism in his address. The second partner does not want to upset his authoritarian halm, therefore agrees with its secondary position in a pair. It is important to understand that in addition to the person's disorder, such relationships will not bring anything to you.

Partner uses Gazlating methods

Such a person will convince you that your words are not related to reality, you seemed to you and in general - he did not say that. Over time, you will begin to agree with distorted information from your partner, as its actions are aimed at lower than your self-esteem. Can you enjoy such relationships? We doubt.

Do not tolerate humiliation

Do not tolerate humiliation

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Partner controls your life

In toxic relations, the partner will not allow you to enjoy your personal space - you will simply have it. All your correspondents with friends, email letters will be carefully studied, you will not even know about it. If you want to spend time with a girlfriend in a cafe, a toxic partner will do everything to spoil your meeting - ranging from calls every twenty minutes and ending with a grand scandal when you return home. The abuser does not endure disobedience.

The partner translates insults to a joke

The man knows your "sick" places perfectly, from time to time the partner will be unpleasant to "put pressure" on them, and as soon as you begin to indignant, you will be accused of the absence of a sense of humor. If such a behavior of your favorite person continues even after your comments, and you begin to experience more and more discomfort, think about whether it is worth spending time on such "love"?

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