There are no pain: how to facilitate the symptoms of PMS


One of the most unpleasant conditions in the life of any woman is the premenstrual syndrome, which "poisoning" life in a couple of weeks before the start of menstruation. It is impossible to completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but it is quite realistic to reduce their influence on the normal course of life.

Symptoms of PMS.

It is impossible to name one particular symptom for which it is safe to say that the woman is experiencing PMS, it is difficult to find two women who are exactly the same symptoms. However, the most frequent symptoms can be called annoyance, depression, inflammation on the skin, even if your skin is not prone to rashes, painful sensations in the chest, as well as headache. Ailver can begin in a week, and it can last a couple of days before menstruation.

What to do to facilitate an unpleasant condition?

Visit the doctor

If PMS seriously affects the quality of your life, you should not postpone the campaign to a specialist. Before this, you need to control your condition within a few months: make a diary where you describe your condition. After that, they are recorded on the reception to the gynecologist, which in symptoms that are characteristic of you will pick up drugs or tell me how to act in your situation. Do not self-medicate if you feel that the situation is serious.

Pay attention to your diet

Often women do not even have to resort to medication therapy, it is enough to change the approach to nutrition. Try to reduce salt, coffee and strong tea. Instead, try to drink enough pure water that will improve blood circulation. Alcohol in problems with the sexual system is extremely undesirable, and therefore avoid any proposals to drink even a few glasses. Fatty food is also not the best option for both the figure and to solve the "female" problems.

Take care of sports

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the gym, try to make a long walk at a slow pace. Avoid elevators, moving, if possible, on the stairs. Specialists recommend paying attention to yoga, which will help to establish contact both with their body, and "clean" the head from unpleasant thoughts.

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