Questions that can not be asked in love with a man


Of course, a frankness is needed in the relationship, without which it is difficult to establish an emotional connection between partners. However, women very often come too far, trying to figure out the man of his intentions about her, and asking questions that can embarrass the partner, and which he finds it difficult to answer. We have collected the most popular questions that men simply cannot endure.

#one. "I am beautifull?"

The question that makes men surprise. Imagine that you are just resting together, spend time alone, and here suddenly: "Do you think me beautiful?" Of course, a man with whom you are in a relatively long relationship will give an affirmative answer, but at the same time it will be strange, thinking about what your motives are. If you need to get support when you feel insecure, it is best to ask about it.

# 2. "Do you plan to change me?"

What answer calculates to get a woman? "Yes, but not yet decided when" or "maybe"? If at this stage of the relationship you do not have any problems, but you feel that the intensity of passion falls, no need to warm the feelings in this way. Nothing other than inappropriate look and letting you do not get, as you do not get an honest answer, which is quite logical.

Do not create additional problems yourself.

Do not create additional problems yourself.


# 3. "Are you satisfied with our sex?"

Women are no less than men, it is interesting to know how comfortable partner in a pair in terms of sexual compatibility. And also the light feeling of jealousy does not give rest: "Was someone better than me?" But here it is worth thinking: if you have already so much time together and at you, no partner has no feeling of the presumption and boredom in a relationship, for sure about sex there are no problems. So why create them yourself?

#four. "Has anyone been better than me?"

At best, a man will notice myself, why do you need this information and what does not suit you, and at worst, you will get an honest answer that you can hardly please. Each of you have a past, and not the fact that previously your partner has not experienced the same bright sensations, and maybe even brighter than with you. Are you sure you want to know about it, and still cheat yourself about this? We doubt.

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