What will help in the fight against overweight


The closer the warm days, the more on the Internet articles, pictures, advertising about seasonal slimming. In the summer it is important to be slim, beautiful, tightened. Interestingly, psychologists sometimes in spring on this topic clients becomes more. But they are going to last. Perhaps only when sports, diets and other nationwide methods do not help move towards the goal.

Women with overweight in my practice were not so often. Rather, they settled back in the cabins from nutritionists or in the gym. But a few cases in my practice still have to clearly show that overweight is not so much the problem of nutrition, how many specific body signal, which is created by our body for an important message.

So, the case is the first. Overweight as the best friend. A pretty woman told that no diet and desperate sport help her to lose weight. Overweight does not prevent her to lead an active lifestyle, as well as arrange a personal life. She discovered that she likes a certain category of men preferring pysnes. Nevertheless, she said that there were 7 sizes less at the time of youth. Having gone through the photo archives of those years, she remembered that during the periods of thin and harmony was very in love, and mutually. As they say, for a slim figure you need a simulator and a worker. But it was put in a dead end photographs on which the novel was not, but also the weight was small. Viewing a family history, we came to the conclusion that in those mysterious cases of small weight without love at home was her father. In those years, he served, so there were rarely at home, and each visit to his daughter was a holiday. Weight grew every time young people left her or dad left. In other words, we brought the formula that overweight is a friend who will not leave.

Another case. Full woman of mature years. Most of the life lived with overweight, not much burdened with them. He married, gave birth to children, traveled and even engaged in sports. She did not interfere with her. Suddenly, after 30 years of stay in the lush body, she took over the problem of weight loss. How often it turns out, publicly available methods do not work, diets do not give a quick result or after the end of the diet give, on the contrary, weight gain. Nevertheless, her struggle with weight had a completely different reason. She was mentioned that when her own mother gave birth to her, then she walked for several days in childbirth - the child was big and stuck. And I had to do the Caesarean section, a long recovery process, and the legend appeared in the family that the "fat baby" almost killed his mother. After a few decades, a deep old woman-mother of this woman began to complain about malaise, even sighing that the old and sick, were tired of living. And her daughter began to desperately lose weight, so as not to hurt her mom again and not threaten her life and health. The effect of this discovery was stunning! A shocked woman, discovering the connection between his sudden desire to quickly lose weight and an old underway tie with his mother, deeply exhaled and experienced a huge relief, throwing his subsidiary. Perhaps the weight will now go away, although, of course, the body can be helped through food and physical activity.

Another case. A young woman, by the way, is also married. Her personal life is arranged, she was satisfied with her. But excess weight gave a load on the heart, physical activity was supposed to be neat, careful. I could not lose weight quickly. But the most characteristic in this case was almost complete ignoring the client itself of its features of appearance. She was a bilber, mountain near his colleagues or girlfriends. She playfully called "Pyshechka", "Easy fullness." But it was not. The surrounding wondered how to live and do not try to do anything with this weight. She flirted and softened. It was the main conductor to work with a woman. In its case, weight is protection against tanks, rudeness, sores in its address. It turned out that her speech is the most careful and smooth, it is difficult to find at least some critical, coarse epithets both addressed to others and addressed yourself. Its cure was the calling of things with his names. Once she called her "easy fullness" obesity. From this day began to treat himself. She had to go through a sense of disgust, squeezing to his body, had to learn to express these very feelings to the others, as well as contempt, demanding to others. Gradually ceasing to be soft and enveloping in communication, she became more demanding about himself, her body, ceased to regret it and began to train him.

For each this woman had its own unique key to understanding the functions of its excess weight. It is difficult to understand it on averaged diet recommendations. And if for some of you do not work, general recommendations do not work, it means it is time to ask yourself non-obvious questions. And opportunities for such questions are many. Sometimes for this you need to look at your body as an incredibly sensitive and attentive friend who catches our needs and, without having other ways to satisfy them, begins to vary the weight to help us provide this need to provide.

And you can always help the body with physical exertion and full nutrition. But this should be a lifestyle, and not a one-time event in the name of harmony.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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