Margarita Sulankina: "I know on personal experience, how hard the work of the journalist"


Artists and journalists always go hand in hand. With the help of media representatives and their publications, we share with our listeners the last news, tell about yourself. I myself worked for several years on the radio and both on personal experience and on the experience of my colleagues in the radio station I know, so hard work of the journalist. Early raises, non-normalized work schedule, constant running and moving. In this crazy rhythm of life you need to manage everything: and deal with family, and work, and be aware of all news, and prepare for an interview with the most different people, studying their biographies and the scope of activity. Task, I will tell you, not easy!

And I see how the correspondents of the Moscow Komsomol Center work - one of the oldest and most respected newspapers of our country, which is very soon, on December 11, notes an amazing anniversary - the 95th anniversary. Large professionals work in your staff, thanks to which all these years the newspaper remains one of the most reading publications in Russia. All you are the best in your sphere! You know how to get the most relevant and important information in all directions for all areas. That is why it is so interesting to read MK. That is why I personally, when I find yourself in a transportation - plane or a train of long distance - always looking for the eyes of MK. And I'm talking about it perfectly honestly and sincerely. I do it because I know that in the Moscow Komsomol residents I can always find all the latest and relevant information that I am interested in. MK is one of the most readable publications also because you pay attention to the set of topics: both politics, and culture, and show business, and all the latest news. It is interesting for the multi-million dollar audience, which grows the year from year to year. For any printed edition, the content is very important. You have he at the highest level. I personally see that the newspaper is growing, changes, it becomes better: before it was black and white, now there is more color. This is also a big plus.

I always am glad when information about the group "Mirage" falls on the pages of the Moscow Komsomolets, as well as publications and Internet portals included in your holding. When I was offered to cooperate with the Womanhit site, I happily agreed, because I knew that I had a portal professionals from MK. And how many times "Mirage" performed under your flags and in the framework of the "sound track", which, by the way, is also an anniversary - 40 years old, and on numerous urban events! Do not consider!

Happy Birthday! 95 years is a decent period. And keep the brand, how they know how you can do is not difficult. Let your audience continue to grow, and we will read you many more many years.

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