Brake, or Slow Gas: 5 habits of men fucking sexual desire


A man kisses you, you are moving closer to each other and everything seems to be good ... How suddenly he falls nonsense or make something that instantly beat your desire to be in negligee or at all without underwear. Requests typical mistakes of men who repel the girls and make you run as quickly as possible.

"Yes Fu, I will then eat this mouth"

According to a survey published by the magazine "Sex & Marital Therapy" in 2015, 36% of women reaches orgasm in the process of clitoral stimulation, whereas only 18% are two times less - reach a discharge as a result of penetration, that is, vaginal stimulation. Therefore, such manipulative techniques as stroking the clitoris by the hands of a partner or oral sex on the receiving side can help the girl reach orgasm. A partner who refuses to perform this demonstrates a woman disregard for her body - what sex attractiveness after that can we talk?

"Well, no, the sensations will not at all ..."

When you take care of your reproductive health and regularly rent tests at the gynecologist, and your partner focuses on Avos and offers not to use the means of barrier contraception, it is not surprising that your sex will not be set from the very beginning. We are confident that for any adequate person, sexual intercourse should be interrupted at this moment on the foreplay - only you are responsible for your safety. Even the banal STIs faced by most people with the beginning of sexual life, it is possible to detect through a couple of weeks - are you ready to nervous all this time? We understand that the discussion of both the means of contraception convenient for you before the sexual act adds to him little romance, but the presence of incurable diseases clearly will not clear you. Take care first about yourself and your feelings, and then about others.

Barrier contraception - the most reliable method of preventing diseases

Barrier contraception - the most reliable method of preventing diseases


"Baby, get ready for hot night"

As noted on the results of the SSTAR survey conducted in 2005, the average duration of penetrative sex is 3-7 minutes - as you can see, no question of speech does not go. Moreover, the survey participants noted that the sexual act lasting more than 10 minutes would seem to them too long. The manifestation of itself in the process of sex is the need for most men to enhance self-esteem. For this reason, the phrase like "I can at least 10 times overnight" or "no one has left me unsatisfied from me," let the laughter of girls who have sexual experience of girls, but still should not be ridiculous. Try to explain to the partner if you love it, and do not meet for the sex that he should not try to work for wear - it is better to relax and be natural, otherwise you will lose interest to him.

Speak less and do more

Speak less and do more


"I washed today in the morning - why else?"

You never know if today your sexual intercourse will be limited only to penetrate or go to oral sex. Agree, it will be embarrassed if at this time the partner will feel an unpleasant smell or taste. Even worse, if they call him a vomit reflex - it will mean the end of any of your relationship. Take the habit to go into the shower before sex or wash before going out of the house if you do not yet live with a partner. Respect that man with whom you sleep, and do not undermine your own confidence in attractiveness because of laziness.

"Let's look at the movie together"

The last thing that may seem interesting young girls, but adult and experienced women will push off - these are hidden suggestions to sleep. In whatever relationship you consist, cover your desire phrases that you will drink wine and watch a movie or, more worse, drink tea and play board games, not worth it. Be honest with the future partner and gently hint at what you want to go to a new level of communication. So girls will be happy to hear compliments about their attractiveness, sexuality and feel your emotions through sparkling eyes and tender touch. When you are both adults, you can treat such matters easier and honestly talk about what each of you expects to get in the end.

Do you agree with the author? It will be interesting to know your stories - tell us about the habits that annoy you, in the comments below.

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