The choice of ballet shoes tells a lot about you


Often women believe that, putting the ballet shoes, they begin to look lightly and cause the surrounding the most pleasant impression. However, this is not so.

As psychologists found out, shoes on a flat sole, on the contrary, characterizes their owner as a serious person, whose thoughts are concentrated at work, and not in accordance with fashion. Therefore, for interview or work in the office, strict ballet shoes are an excellent option.

The choice of ballet shoes tells a lot about you 47225_1

By the way, sometimes ballet shoes help to arrange a personal life. It is known that Bill Gates became interested in his future spouse just because I first saw her in ballet shoes.

The choice of ballet shoes tells a lot about you 47225_2

If you are worried that the leg in ballet shoes will look too wide, choose shoes from a dense material, for example, from genuine leather. The grace of this type of shoes can give a slightly alien sock, as well as a height to 1 centimeter height.

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Ballets can help out when drawing up cottage wardrobe. Ballets from textiles are perfectly suitable for summer dresses. They cost inexpensively and have the most diverse colors.

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