Alina Delisse: "If the child sees that parents read, in any case it gets in touch with the book"


- Alina, what depends on, does the child like to read or not? And is it worth it to force if he does not want to do this?

- I think it largely depends on the example of adults. If he sees that, in spite of everything, parents read, a close environment reads, in any case it gets contact with the book, regardless of which world we live in now. As a rule, a new generation for the most part spends time in the virtual, computer world, through the impregnated technologies, in tablets and gadgets. In the present world, the trust and example of parents are most important. There is also a question how often the child reads and will read. In this case, it is necessary to remind, in a variety of methods and ways to stimulate given interest. An adult person has its own methods of knowing the world, and adult people are at the same adults to understand where mistakes and shortcomings made mistakes and how to instill love and interest in life through reading books. After all, in the book, we can read a whole life, with its examples and all sorts of human stories. Books can be called so: instructions for life. Only for this from the very beginning it is necessary to read the right books, classics.

- You have recently presented a smart book-coloring book for children and adults. " How was the idea of ​​her creation born?

"I myself am my mother, and the world in which my child lives." I observe today's day, behind his pace, rhythm, acceleration. People accelerate even faster to catch, thereby speeding up the time. Everyone is in a hurry, somewhere run, leaving the values ​​behind them, forgetting about the main issue of understanding and the meaning of why we live, we experience, especially leading to the world a new generation. No time to upbringing yourself, no children. Adults forget to be attentive and patient to children. It is not only about your own children, but also about children in general. As it was before? Children were brought up by society. I remember my childhood well, youth: And I, and my peers did not have fear that a stranger is no matter, a man or a woman can harm. And now we are afraid to produce a child to the street. Naturally, in this pace and rhythm, in this new world everything is different. I do not know what influenced it, maybe greed and the caring so changed the people. Actually, this prompted me to create this book. To see, unobtrusively look into the soul of a child and understand what is hidden there. After all, through creativity, you can open secret, subconscious doors of the soul.

Alina Delisse believes that you have a love for children to read the easiest way with your own example

Alina Delisse believes that you have a love for children to read the easiest way with your own example

- Would you like to write, for example, an adventure novel for children? Or something in fantasy genre?

"I would like to write something like that, as I myself read such books many times and always experienced interest. But you need to be able to write in such genres, be in such adventures. I can not say for sure because the author should at least a little, at least slightly survive these subtle moments that he writes about. He must be able to understand thinking, life. This is a very sensitive part of the perception of the world - the world through the eyes of a young soul. Antoine de Saint-Exupery perfectly described this subtlety of the perception of the world of born soul. It is important to understand what a person who is from the birth of a year, two, three, ten, fifteen years, and what is he, for example, in sixty years. For the man who lives in the millennia, these years is nothing, the world will give us beautiful teachers. But, unfortunately, the man is lazy, stubborn and proud, and from tape does not give anything to anything, we can say, today we are degrading. When humanity attaches more values ​​to its appearance, losing the internal fill, that is, spiritual values, it usually undergoes the collapse. Nevertheless, these units exist, but in the mass ... it's a drop in the sea, for the result.

- Several years ago, your book "86400 seconds of happiness", which turned out to be very successful. You did not think about the continuation?

- It is impossible to plan something. I am such a person that emerges from the present, from what I am at the moment. Of course, I would be interested to write a sequel, since the first part tells about the young girl who has achieved his intended purpose faith, labor and perseverance, reincarnated to a charming woman, having passed a difficult path of testing, but did not retreat from his dream, she could realize her and make in life. She became the woman who dreamed of becoming. This was accompanied by a certain story, a kind of stimulus. This book has had such a completion. Of course, I would like to take a film on it, make an empty, but who could do it? There must be a good acting, director, attention to the details of aesthetics. This is a fairly separate world. Since I learned many worlds, in touching with different faces of creativity, removing in the video clips - this part of the world and creativity is familiar to me. Yes, I would like to write a sequel. If this is destined to occur if the second part of the novel "86400 seconds of happiness" should see the light, bearing and sketches, but not yet. I would like to note that the first part I wrote for 12 years, and lived it - all my life.

- Talk about music. What moment do you like most when creating a song?

- Of course, this is the moment when I read the words of the future song. Although I myself do not write lyrics, I am not a poet songbook, but I am in the creative tandem with a poet swing for eight years. I give a kind of direction, thought or feeling, then the text is sent to me, and if it needs grinding - all songs and texts are diamonds and children, I call them so, - then we proceed to work and compelling together. But most often, thanks to the years of collaboration and confidence, it is quite accurate and quickly captures the state of my soul and thought. After that, I am listening to music and only then I completely see a picture and plunge into it. Sensuality, fertility takes place when you breathe in the song Life and faith. This moment is the most difficult, but also the most pleasant, he awakens a certain thrill in me. I love to see a song that is born, like a new life, it inspires.

While Alina Dissis does not plan to write a continuation of his novel

While Alina Dissis does not plan to write a continuation of his novel

- You have a saturated creative life: you write down the albums, take clips, come up with concerts. Is it more for yourself or for viewers?

- Yes, life is really saturated. Especially now, when I recorded fourteen songs for half a year, I released five video clips and in addition, everything was shot in two bright photo shoots. At the same time, working for two countries - Moldova and Russia, recording songs in Moldavian language, cooperating with composers from Moldova and with Russian composers from Russia. This is my soul, it consists of two parts. Moldavia is my homeland, Russia is my life. I really love Russia. I am grateful to the land on which it was born, and my creativity is like a tribute and love for her. Do I do it for myself? Most probably not. It will be more correct to say that through yourself - for the audience. I worry a lot of different tests, and passing through them, I can transfer this energy to people. Faith and the very dedication. I was born in this world and pass through the tests of the right to what I was given to people, namely: inspire, suggest, to be on some Rubicon. For this, of course, colossal forces are needed to work with human souls. It is difficult, all people are different, especially in our time when faith exhausted its advantage and people stopped believing, they have no ideals, idols. Their ideal can be money, and the idol is something in a distorted form. Therefore, everyone fights as it may be for their lives, existence, vision of life. But do not forget about the soul. The other day I was illuminated by thought, and I embodied her in the form of a quote: I don't care what I will reach if I live without God inside myself, consider that I did not reach anything. This is true. If you are ready to cross through any feature, then come to a certain moment, you will have to releasing back, wrap, clean, and whether it will be time and possibilities? You need to think about it. It is necessary to control myself every day, your emotions, feelings and in general, who you are. More often ask yourself this question.

- Who is he, your viewer? Is it a predominantly adult audience?

- Audience is different. There were cases when completely young girls ran, sixteen years old, and thanked me from the whole of the soul, thank you. When I hear such words of gratitude and spiritual trembling, I feel indescribable relief and the joy that you do your job is not just so, but with benefit. Even two enlightened souls are good! Special, I am not looking for my audience, rather, I form my public. I understand that for people I am new - a new name, a new face, the viewer does not know me, but after I leave, I remember me and are interested. Someone I can like, someone - no. Just need to work and give people a choice. It is impossible to do everything the same, the same type and issue it for the sample. People need to give a variety. When they have a variety, thinking, taste, preference, life, conflict, dispute, struggle, black and white, light and darkness. Must be a choice.

Alina Delisse not only writes books, but also sings

Alina Delisse not only writes books, but also sings

- By the way, about the public, as you think, modern youth is less selective and demanding than the older generation? Therefore, many artists are rapidly gaining popularity and also lose it quickly?

- Yes, artists become popular and quickly lose their popularity. Because the work and work of the artist is work, this is a responsibility, you should always be ready for the fact that people will overgrow you on the pedestal, but also let you go with him. It may well stop loving, charming, admire, forget during life. We must understand it and know. At all times there were their heroes and it is very difficult to be a kind of energy station of mankind, feeding the future. This, of course, depletes. You realize it. You see, but you can't do anything, since your fate is predetermined, and you just have to follow this predestination, or refuse. When people refused to follow their true destination, for various reasons, and the energy passed to others, the imperios, the era, era, ended. There were different civilizations - Greek, Egyptian, Roman - and all of them ended, as soon as the spiritual component began to collapse, and people began to worry only their appearance, the body, lust. Ended the end of everything. I would not like to repeat the deplorable historical examples, because it was really very sad.

- Do you believe that in adulthood you can cool to change your life? Change profession, move to another country, start from scratch.

- You can always change your life while you are alive, breathe and move. (smiles). When you "woke up" when you realized something when you're not afraid to lose everything that was acquired, except the soul, and you say: "I don't need anything, for me the main thing - to start living, start understanding what I am, What I can, who I am, "and not just to waste my only released time and not understand what you are, and who are you, that you are in the end! If a person lives as if he sold himself or leased, you do not need to blame anyone. He simply lost his life because she was afraid not to match what was not. It is necessary to become the person who wants to imitate, never late to start from scratch. There are people who distributed everything in their time and went to nowhere. They sold out the property and went into free swimming, in a journey. People refuse castles, buy a one-room apartment by the sea and live there. They simply depart from all over, from the fuss, from the breakdown of themselves. Someone returns to his feelings that have lost many years ago. A person needs if he once made mistakes, learn to ask for forgiveness and correct them. If you feel that you are going to yourself, your soul is already exhausted, it is better to throw everything and start living differently. We gradually, on a little bit, gradually. Do not be afraid of your life, you will always find the output and should find it!

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