Select sunscreen


Cream or spray to take? What level of protection to choose? What should pay attention to? These questions blame us the brain before the onset of each summer season. Fortunately, cosmetologists have answers on them.

The first thing you need to know is that one sunscreen for all summer may not be enough. At the beginning of summer, when the skin is still not at all tanned, there may be a cream with SPF 50. Then it is permissible to lower the bar to SPF 15.

Pay attention to the tool chosen by you, it is capable of protecting you both from the solar rays of type A, and from the rays of type V. Information about this is usually indicated on the package.

Excellent, if you find natural oils and extracts. Under the influence of the Sun, the skin is inclined to lose moisture, so these inclusions will be likewise. If you intend to buy a face cream, give preference to what is intended for your skin type, and not universal.

But the format can be any: cream, spray, butter or powder. The main thing is that you can use it convenient.

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