Secrets of the behavior of the French aristocracy


The real lady should know the rules of good tone. In Europe, to learn the etiquette, girls attend special schools and master classes from representatives of the aristocracy. And recently, such an opportunity appeared at the metropolitan lady: Moscow visited the hereditary Council Marie de Tilly. She told the secular lioness, as needed to behave in a decent society. Carefully listened to the Countess.

Countess Maria de Tilly

Countess Maria de Tilly

Where did the etiquette come from?

French word etiquette arose in the XVII century. Initially, so called cards with the rules of conduct in the royal court written on them. At that time, for violation of these rules could be seriously punished. Subsequently, etiquette has spread all over the world and varies into French and English. And if the first really became a European benchmark, applicable for everyday life and today, then the rules of the misty Albion remained in the distant XIX century as too famous.

The rules of etiquette are gradually changing. The art of table setting was laid by the French Dubarry Countess, which lived in the XVIII century. She was very scrupulous to china and crystal. And thanks to her, there were some Aza arrangements of dishes.

The tradition of worn hats went from the queen of France Maria Antoinette. For her it was a forced measure. Mary had a high forehead, so she came up with wearing a variety of hats. And the fashion of Josephine entered the high waist.

Rules of the Great Metache

Rule number 1. Who will begin first?

You can not sit at the table before the hostess at home and even more so starting it until it takes the instruments. Such behavior may be regarded as a personal insult.

You can not sit down the table before the in the evening

You can not sit down the table before the in the evening

Press service materials

Ulyana Kalashnikova

Rule number 2. Cutlery

The number of devices always complies with a set of dishes. First you need to take those that lie further from the plate on both sides. So follow this instruction and will not need to think, as in a famous film, what a fork for what is intended for.

By the way, the devices are put up to the rear, so that the coat of arms or another sign is visible, indicating who owns this dishes.

Rule 3.A bag

Where to give a handbag or clutch with whom you pleased? In no case can not put the bag on the table or hang on the back of the chair, as Russian fashionists often make. In a decent society, she put her back on the chair or, if it is very big, on the floor.

Instruments should be put up up

Instruments should be put up up

Ulyana Kalashnikova

Rule number 4. Lipstick

A separate line is the rule of using lipstick. Absolutely unacceptable in a secular society can be a track from her left on a glass. This is considered to be a branven. What then to do? Countess Maria de Tilly advises to stock upside down, which leaves no traces.

Rule number 5. Location of glasses

If you decide to arrange a reasoned dinner at home, you should remember how to position the glasses. They will stand right. Closer to the center is the largest - for water, then smaller - for wine, there are glasses for a strong alcohol. Usually there are three glasses on the table, but sometimes the owners plan several types of drinks, so the number of this dishes can be unlimited.

By the way, at the receptions, a glass for champagne on the table is usually absent, since this drink is supplied as an appearance and is served on a separate table.

Pravelo number 6. Who can not put the elbows on the table

According to the rules of etiquette, only married women in the process of lunch or dinner can put elbows on the table. This is done, of course, in order to shine all of their rings and show status.

Rule number 7.How to say: "No"

Often there are situations when you do not want something or drink alcohol. According to the rules of etiquette, you need to try at least a piece, and then fold the plug and the knife parallel to each other. This will mean that you have finished. As for drinks, I can say "no" with a light gesture of the hand, pointing to what you no longer want. To cover the glass of a glass or gestures to gestures should not be too emotionally.

If you no longer eat, put the devices parallel to each other

If you no longer eat, put the devices parallel to each other

Ulyana Kalashnikova

A few more interesting add-ons

The dish is served on the left, and is removed on the right.

The seating should be made on the principle of a man-woman. So that the cavalier could, in case of what to take care of the lady.

Seating guests are carried out on the principle

Seating guests carried out on the principle of "man-woman"

Prec and service materials

The phone can not be put on the table. Men can put it in his pocket and put on the vibration. If a woman has no pockets - the smartphone remains in a handbag until the end of the reception.

And most importantly: remember that the rules are created to violate them, at least sometimes. "In aristocratic circles is not accepted openly condemn. Just be modern and live on a complete coil, "says De Tilly.

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