"Cold" detox: what to eat when the street slush and cold


Detox during the cold season is different from the one we spend the spring, the presence of a large amount of warm, warming dishes with fragrant spices.

If in the summer we did the focus on fresh vegetables and fruits, now it's time for rootpodes. Two "Superfud" autumn - pumpkin and sea buckthorn. What can be cooked: a gentle pumpkin cream soup with seeds; a grocery salad, baked pumpkin with olive oil; millet porridge with pumpkin; Finally, sweet varieties can be simply grated and eat in the raw. Sea buckthorn is better freeze in a tightly closed container. When defrosting, it fully retains the form, taste and vitamins. It will be possible to enjoy fragrant sea buckthorn tea in autumn and winter.

Pumpkin cream soup with seeds - an excellent option for the cold season

Pumpkin cream soup with seeds - an excellent option for the cold season

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Special attention to fat! We add to the diet of seeds and nuts, at least 3 times a week we include in the menu the fatty sea fish of the northern seas (herring, mackerel) or Omega-3 Nutrilite. Saturated fats minimized in the summer are returned to our table in November - butter, marble steaks and even fat in small quantities will only benefit.

Soups: Vegetable, on a chicken or meat broth, they are perfectly saturated and warmed in a frowning rainy days. When Maya Plisetsky asked what she eats, she admitted that soups were her favorite dish that she could eat in the morning, day and evening.

Be sure to add fatty maritime fish to the diet

Be sure to add fatty maritime fish to the diet

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

What will we support?

Protein. Increase protein portions during the cold season. Immune cells are protein structures that are sharply reacting to its shortage. You can make a protein cocktail, and you can simply add a portion of a protein into mince, soup or casserole.

In the cold season, use vitamins

In the cold season, use vitamins

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Vitamin D. If all summer you stayed in the fresh air, they rested well and tanned, then perhaps your reserves will be enough to spring. Vitamin D deficiency is defined as a concentration of 25 (OH) D

Double X and Omega-3. Taking these two additives, you can be calm - your body has everything to survive the cold.

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