Coronavirus: What awaits us


The script for the development of coronavirus was actually predicted in the famous film "Infection", released back in 2011 - almost 10 years ago. Then he was perceived as fantastic, but now we are thinking about the fact that much of what was shown in the film comes true.

The terrible epidemic came to us from China - the most populated country of the world. Its origin is not exactly known, but we understand that Coronavirus is the next test for humanity, a kind of reminder to us that the man is mortal and humanity may come an end. The Earth knew a lot of similar epidemics: from the plague in the Middle Ages to Spaniard at the beginning of the twentieth century. Now the turn of Coronavirus, and people, despite the progress of medicine, are defenseless before the disease.

What do we see now? Police, prohibitive measures: cancel flights, close the railway communication, send schoolchildren on vacation, and students are on distance learning. In stores - Agen: People buy essential products, toilet paper. And with all this we do not leave a feeling of some terrible performance. All this looks like a farce, like a mass panic.

Angelica Vishnevskaya

Angelica Vishnevskaya

It is not even so much an epidemic itself as a panic reaction to her people. Humanity has become the maximum managed. With the help of social networks, information grinders can control the behavior of people, manage them, determine their behavior. Yes, Coronavirus can be a terrible, deadly disease, but you should not lose human dignity, allow you to manipulate yourself.

People still retained strength and dignity in order to oppose coronavirus common sense, cohesion, human relation to each other. The main thing is not to create a panic, do not succumb to information strokes and provocations, think about good, try to fill yourself with positive energy. Those people who are positive, in which a good energy field, developed spiritually and physically, non-neglecting spiritual practices and rehabilitation, is unlikely to be subject to death, and if they get sick, it will be easy to cope with their misfortune.

Of course, a new virus is nothing more than a manifestation of the dark forces that thirs to enslave humanity and send people's thoughts in the wrong direction. Yes, I agree with this that he is, exists, but we feed it ourselves, we give him strength, we proclaim it and wait. After all, he is - this is the very villain of mankind, which manifests itself in different faces and under different names, and we understand about whom we are talking, and so. Do not give in to panic and give the strength of this incident. After all, he is the one who is behind this virus is a liar, his power in lies and betrayal, and our words should not quote bad energy. Faith in the God of the Creator will only raise us from the knees, for only he is true, light love, life.

Therefore, try to put yourself in order, engage in our health, not to pay attention to the entire wave of negative information, which accompanies us and only forms the negative energy in our own, increasing vulnerability to diseases. Observe the healthy day of the day, treat carefully and well to your loved ones - and the disease will go through you by the side.

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