5 tips How not to suffer in spring from allergies


Recently, the number of allergies is growing from year to year. This disease is called the science of the XXI century. The whole thing, doctors say, in poor ecology, low-quality products and heredity.

Spring for allergies is not the most beautiful time of the year. From rhinitis and half aulinosis suffers, according to some data, one fifth population of the planet. And, as is not regrettable for the inhabitants of our country, but the Slavs suffer from seasonal allergies more often.

Inflammation and itching of the mucous membrane of the nose, a sense of congestion, watery discharge, red eyes, stains on the face, a sore throat, a feeling of weakness and breakdown, headache - all this joy from the fact that "once in the year the gardens bloom." How to rejoice in the spring, and not suffer at this fine time, found out.

Tip number 1.

Oddly enough, people often confuse allergies with other diseases, such as neurodermit or psoriasis. Therefore, the first thing we go to the doctor and determine what the reaction is concrete. The doctor will make samples and can put an accurate diagnosis. Maybe spring and nothing? The reaction to flowering, pollen can often be confused with food allergies.

The main thing to understand the cause

The main thing to understand the cause


Tip number 2.

With all the similarity of symptoms, all the organisms are different. It is necessary to choose an antihistamine drug that is suitable for you, and not a girlfriend Masha. If you managed to determine exactly what exactly your body reacts, you can choose a drug that will reduce the sensitivity to this allergen.

Masha tablets are not suitable for Dasha

Masha tablets are not suitable for Dasha


Tip number 3.

This hard time will help relive the diet. Fit correctly. Then you definitely will not have additional problems caused by allergenic products. Eat more vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water.

Diet will not hurt

Diet will not hurt


Tip number 4.

Although warmer and good weather and manits go to walk in the nearest park, alas, it's not for you. Try to go less on the street. A couple of weeks per year of home arrest it is quite possible to survive. If this is not possible, returning home, urgently run into the shower and do not forget to wash your head, rejoice in everything clean.

Discard walks

Discard walks


Allergies are recommended to have at home air conditioning and during the flowering period do not at all open the windows.

Tip number 5.

Clean - pledge of health. Constantly rinse your nose. Are there a room? Wet rag in hand and forth. Better if in the room where you spend the most time, the air will be wet.

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