Come back, sex! How to wake your libido


This world is designed wave-like. As in the life of a person there are lifts and decals, as well as in nature there are lifts and decals. The beginning of winter is not spring, and nothing good will end if we squeeze all the juices and strength. And yet, even in the fall, you can live and enjoy life, and with the right organization of the process, it will not be felt at all that outside the window is the eternal twilight.

The best option is to fall in love. When there is a passion when there is a sharp feeling, then you will not notice - December in the yard or not December, then libido and so will be at the height. But someone has love, someone has no, however, you can help yourself with other ways.

Physical exercises

All exercises are most effective, which lead to the movement of the pelvis. Any schools and directions are suitable: rotation of the pelvis, yoga, especially good pair yoga, but not fundamentally, so that it is she, dancing and so on. Any physical activity you benefit, but it is not about running or lifting the bar, but about what will saturate the body with oxygen and what will force the pelvis to move. Also extremely useful stretching. Be careful not to damage anything, but remember that the stretching is extremely helpful and even needed in the context of December Handra and sexual apathy.

Healthy lifestyle

Also feel better in this period will help the right healthy nutrition: this is a decrease and abandonment of alcohol and smoking, a decrease in the consumption of heavy animal food, orientation in the direction of easily digestible vegetation food, consumption of everything that can relate to Aphrodisiak. The body will spend less forces for digestion and fight against the effects of harmful products and will allow you to feel cheerful and happier.

Think positive!

And finally, your thoughts should be addressed towards what is really important for you and bothers. If you do not have a partner, think about how to make it so that it appears. Think about how it would be good to have it to have and what, maybe, you need to do so that he was. If you have a partner, think about it as a sexual object, think about what, maybe you have not had a real qualitative intimacy with him, which maybe it is worth it to organize simply as a project, to allocate it , plan, negotiate with your partner, because it is most likely going through the same condition. And start running energy, start doing something to do everything well with your libido, and for this you first need to schedule something, you need to create an image. If your life is so arranged that in your daily routine there is no time for sex, then where will it take? It happens that in the evening both partners are tired, no strength, the main desire is to go to bed, then, of course, no sex will come out. In this case, you need to negotiate with a partner about when it will be: maybe in the morning or in the middle of the night, when you have a little rest, or not too late in the evening, when there are still forces - decide, depending on your routine of the day. I'm talking about that this is not happening for us. If you have intimacy in life, it happens at the wrong, habit. But if she disappeared somewhere, then at the beginning will have to apply efforts to appear again.

At various times, the energy of the same person can be at different levels: sometime we are vigorious and charged, sometime - dull and tired. For simplicity of reasoning, it is conventionally solving that energy can be on three levels: the third person is the most vigorous and energetic, and at the first level the person has full apathy and the decline. It is worth it to be consciously, no miracle will be: if both partners are united, then sex is simply impossible, because both passive, no one will pull it. If someone has the energy on the troika, and the other on the unit, it doesn't matter, who has something, then they will all be well, they will "take it out", because there is one who is drawn into this process. If both doubles are, they both will be slow and gently enter this process. But if you have a partner by one, then do not even undermine the love games, because anyway does not work out, but there will be only insults from a partner for anxiety and incomplete pleasure. But then you can see the task in raising the level of its energy and help the partner raise the level of its energy. If you are strongly tired, consider your life: why are you tired so much, why do you live that you do not have time and effort to joy, on yourself, for love. Anyway, you first need to sleep. We must do charging, and pretty quickly you will return to the form. Three days of charging are creating miracles, but you should not stop doing it later, and then you will be even more vigorous and positive with every day.

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