Path to pleasure: why a woman is difficult to reach orgasm


Probably one of the biggest problems in the sex life of a modern woman is the lack of orgasm. Of course, someone will say that in their pair and without orgasm there is a place of love and mutual understanding, however why not make an intimate life even brighter and comfortable for you both? To do this, it is necessary to find the reason why you cannot reach the tops of pleasure.

You cheape yourself

Most women are unhappy with themselves, and this is a fact. Having heard the stories of friends and acquaintances about crazy orgasms, the woman begins to unwittingly compare his feelings - why is I not so? With me exactly something wrong. Due to the constant discharge of the situation, you cannot relax in bed with a partner, and to obtain an orgasm it is necessary to completely surrender to the moment. Please accept the fact that we are all different, and therefore it makes no sense to compare ourselves with someone, especially since you will never know how real those "three orgasms for the night" that your good acquaintance says.

You have not fully studied your body

As we said, each of us is unique, and therefore there is no accurate answer how to achieve orgasm in each case. You must answer yourself this question yourself. Spend an experiment when you find yourself alone with you, read how your body works, for what touches and what techniques it will respond best, after which share the experience gained with a partner when you will find yourself in bed.

You must trust the partner

You must trust a partner


You do not feel safe

Good sex - protected sex. If you are constantly thinking about what you can get pregnant, to get infected or lose control of the situation, you will not be able to relax. To avoid any intimate trouble, it is important to understand what and with whom you are going to do: you must fully trust the person with whom you want to join intimate contact. In addition, never forget about the means of contraception, in this case you will not have a reason to strain about possible problems and it will fully relax.

You do not like sex

Acknowledge that sex does not play a big role for you in the modern world - get a flurry of uncomfortable questions and inappropriate views. Few represents their lives without sex, and not ready to accept his absence in your life. Many women are accustomed to treating sex not as sensual pleasure, but as a way to achieve certain goals. If we consider sex under the angle, nothing surprising is that a woman is difficult to enjoy what you have to do through strength. Try to change the approach to the sensual sphere, because sex, first of all, is the way to establish emotional contact with your loved one, and only then everything else.

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