Master class: Rules for choosing an ideal carcass


The density, length, elegant bending, accurate separation, high moisture resistance, the absence on the eyelashes of lumps ... - So, it seems, they have not forgotten anything. In our understanding, the ideal mascara should possess all the above advantages. Scrupulously tracking new things, we are in a hurry to try on exactly the advertisement for which we especially "hooked." However, we guess that no mascara in the world will be able to give such a breathtaking effect of infinitely long, incredibly lush and beautiful curved eyelashes, which the beauties of advertising posters demonstrate. Looking attentively, it is not at all difficult to guess that the eyelashes of top models are invoices. However, this does not mean that the product advertised is poor-quality! Understand whether the mascara is suitable for you, you can only experience and in any way differently. To someone, the novelty will have to do, and someone will not like completely. Everything is strictly individually. When buying a mascara (even the one from which all your friends enthusiasts enthusiasm), be prepared for the fact that it may not justify all your expectations. Do not be discouraged and do not rush to get rid of it! Now you will learn how to strengthen the effect, making your eyelashes twice as long and thicker.

Secret number 1:

If the new mascara does not give enough volume, most likely, the case is in the individual characteristics of your eyelashes - they are too thin and rare. Buy the database under the mascara. The thing is unmatched! Extract eyelashes and apply it a miracle to them that "envelops" every ciliary with a white film. The hairs will not only be pulled out and compacted, but also under reliable protection (there are always caring components in the databases). Wait about thirty seconds and carefully, from the roots to the tips, cover the eyelashes in two layers of ink. Now appreciate the result.

Secret number 2:

Eyelashes still lack lengths? We take a sponut (or brush for the Rumyan), loyering it into the crumbly powder and spend it along the entire length of the eyelashes (but we particularly pay attention to the tips). Now we apply mascara. Voila! The effect is just striking.

Secret number 3:

The promised beautiful bend did not work? Nothing wrong! The situation will be corrected by ordinary hilt twigs. Write only tips and immediately apply mascara.

Elena Biryukova

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