5 ways to make teeth whiter without resorting to bleaching


Teeth whitening is one of the most harmful dental procedures. A snow-white smile is a dream of millions, however, from nature, most teeth have a yellowish tint: someone has more pronounced, someone has less. Therefore, people and seek help in dental clinics or are engaged in homemade teeth whitening, without thinking at all, this procedure can lead to what consequences.

The human tooth is covered with a thin layer of enamel - this is his protective shell, which saves from external factors and impacts, including from caries. You can whiten the tooth in several ways: remove the top layer of enamel or change its structure, after which it will become more fragile and sensitive, as a result of which the teeth will begin to collapse.

Snow-white smile - the dream of millions, however, whitening can lead to irreparable consequences.

Snow-white smile - the dream of millions, however, whitening can lead to irreparable consequences.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

What threaten any attempts to whiten the teeth?

1. Whitening leads to thinning of dental enamel, as a result of which the teeth will become more sensitive to temperature drops.

2. Inflammation of the gums.

3. The formation of microscopic pores in enamels that contribute to the gradual destruction of the teeth.

In addition, whiten the teeth once and is forever it is impossible. Whatever bleaching method you choose, after a certain period of time your teeth will return to the shade, which was originally from them. New attempts to whiten the teeth will apply another blow to Enamel.

Of course, home whitening in its influence on the teeth with professional does not compare. But I also do not recommend it.

Home bleaching in its influence on the teeth with professional does not compare

Home bleaching in its influence on the teeth with professional does not compare

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Method # 1. Paste with whitening effect: this is not talking about this in advertising on TV, but such pastes are not safe, as they contain a large number of abrasive substances that are used to strike by enamel.

Method # 2. Blanks for bleaching: harm that causes such strips is not so significant compared to other bleaching methods, therefore, the effect is not so long.

Method # 3. Whitening pencils: Too frequent use of such pencils can badly affect the dental enamel and cause an increase in sensitivity, and this is despite the fact that their effectiveness is about the same as that of whitening strips, i.e. temporary.

Method # 4. Soda, hydrogen peroxide, apple vinegar, activated carbon. Do not do it! First, you still do not get the desired result using these tools, but the harm will apply a considerable one. Secondly, soda, and even together with peroxide or vinegar, it is very wrong and destructive to enamel teeth. Soda has a powerful abrasive effect, therefore, injures teeth. Damaged enamel is a step towards the caries. Thirdly, the apple vinegar contains acids that adversely affect their teeth, increasing sensitivity and contributing to abrasion. As a result, you apply a double blow to your teeth and instead of whitening, get spoiled teeth and caries in an anamnesis. All we talk about soda can be calmly attributed to the activated corner that damages enamel due to quite large particles in its composition.

Method # 5. Strawberry, Lemon, Aloe Juice, Tea Tree Oil, Orange and Banana Skin, Laurel Leaf. People's Molver attributes almost a magical effect on his teeth to all these "whitening" means. Let's figure it out - why? And what threatens to those who dared to whiten the teeth with the help of lemon juice, masks from strawberries, tea tree or aloe juice? It's no secret that fruit and citrus juices, the basis of bleaching masks from strawberries and lemon backers, contain acid that can lead to caries in pure form. The fact is that the acid destroys the enamel and causes the sensitivity of the teeth. Dentists do not get tired to warn patients that freshly squeezed juices need to be drunk only through the tube to eliminate acid entering the enamel of teeth. The tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic, but it is primarily an essential oil, which is in its pure form, without adding vegetable oil, threatens the mucous membrane. Once on the gum, the tea tree can cause a small wound, and followed and gingivitis. In addition, the whitening effect of this oil is about the same as at hydrogen or acid peroxide, i.e., enamel problems are guaranteed.

Dentists do not get tired to warn patients that freshly squeezed juices need to drink only through the tube

Dentists do not get tired to warn patients that freshly squeezed juices need to drink only through the tube

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Do not forget that smoking, excessive use of coffee and black tea, red wine, fresh juices affect the color of the teeth. All this is the causes of the darkening of enamel. Therefore, if you are worried about your smile, give up those products and habits that affect it directly. And more care about the right oral hygiene, which will ensure you a healthy smile, and this is much more correct than the snow-white.

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