Stars who are late


Mariah Keri.

Mariah Keri again presented the inhabitants of New York holiday, fulfilling their famous Christmas song "All I Want for Christmas Is You" and including lights on the main Christmas tree near the Rockefeller Center. However, the organizers of the event singer brought a lot of headaches. Knowing about her permanent late, the organizers of the show were afraid to let her in a live broadcast and decided to record her performance in the afternoon. But Mariah did not appear at all, referring to bad weather. To honor, it is worth noting that it is not late for the right broadcast of the inclusion of lights.

But in general, Keri rarely, when it appears somewhere on time, believing that late for celebrities is absolutely normal. In 2009, the delay of the singer more than an hour brought her fans from themselves. Mariyu invited to London to freeze Christmas lights in the largest European shopping center Westfield. Look at the traditional festive show thousands of people gathered. Waiting for the star alone frozley outside, while others were bathed inside. Keri at that time, together with her husband, enjoyed champagne at the hotel. Arrivals, finally, to the shopping center, the singer went on the scene for only two minutes, after which he went to an autograph session with chosen lucky.

The most curious thing is that Keri does not worry at all about the fact that he is always late. And it is not shy to call reasons. For example, one day she was late for the Capital Radio Awards award for an hour and a half, because he broke the nail. Another time forced Las Vegas's spectators for two hours to wait for her concert, wishing her personal doctor to arrive at the place of the speech and examined her throat, which, as it turned out, was in perfect order.

Rihanna is often late. Photo:

Rihanna is often late. Photo:


Rihanna is famous for his findings. Last year, the singer detained his own concert in Montreal more than two hours. But since two other speeches of the star were completely canceled due to laryngitis, Canadian fans did not grow due to such a long wait.

And after a month, the artist was late for a meeting with children - the winners of one of the charity contests whose sponsor was Rihanna. Communication of the singer with young fans was scheduled for an hour of the day in one of the Chicago schools. However, the star entered the school assembly hall, in which students were expected, when the clock arrows over five. With the words "Thank you for who came and waited for me." Rihanna pushed a short speech about the benefits of charity, distributed several autographs and treated for photos. After that, after 16 minutes he left the gymnasium. Part of the schoolchildren was outraged by such disrespect. Others decided to forgive the star, because the singer gave them free tickets to their concert in Chicago.

However, sometimes the lateness is a rianna of considerable money. In 2012, during a progress for seven cities of the world, the star was accompanied by fans and journalists at a special charter "Boeing 777". However, the departures regularly delayed, as the singer was having fun in the nightclub, he got acquainted with the range of local shops. As a result, the fines for the permanent dedication of the singer on the show and the plane amounted to 200 thousand dollars.

During the tour, MDNA Madonna forced to wait for their Latin American fans three and a half hours. Photo:

During the tour, MDNA Madonna forced to wait for their Latin American fans three and a half hours. Photo:


Madonna is famous for its constant delays with access to the scene. It did not exception and its MDNA tour in 2012. Most of all went to the audience, who came to the concert in Miami. Instead of laid × 20.00 singer deigned to start speaking at 23.30. Those fans who have left for this hour in the hall did not regret their strength, so that you should sway the star. After Madonna never explained the reason for his late, all the blame for the delay took upon themselves the organizers of the show, referring to the technical problems.

But for a month later, the singer again forced himself to wait. This time I was not lucky to fans in Santiago. Their wait lasted not so long - "total" for two hours, but in the rain, since the concert was held in the open sky. But not only that Madonna was late, she also reduced her speech in the Chilean capital for forty minutes: she did not like that some viewers in the crowd smoke. After this anticipation of fans in Latin America, the star had dressed.

Justin Bieber was late for a meeting with fans, as I decided to call the fast food restaurant before it. Photo:

Justin Bieber was late for a meeting with fans, as I decided to call the fast food restaurant before it. Photo:

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber has long been accustomed to that his exit to the scene is accompanied by joyful screams of young fans. However, in March last year in London, a 19-year-old star met a displeased whistle of parents of juvenile fans. And all because the singer was late with the beginning of the concert for two hours, appearing before the public at 22.35, that is, even later than the show should have ended. Adults indignantly. And the children in anticipation of their idol fell asleep right in the hall or sobbed a vanity, because the parents of the Solque dragged them home, because many of them had to go to school as many of them. Going to the stage, Bieber did not apologize and did not explain the reasons for his late. And only for the next day in Twitter referred to some technical lining.

But if the true reason for the delay in London remained a secret, then in New York, Paparazzi managed to find out why Bieber made more thanks to languish his fans waiting for a meeting with him. The fact is that on the way to one of the schools on an autograph session, Justin decided to go around the fast food restaurant. And only enjoying a hamburger, descended before communicating with young fans.

Exce Rose forced fans who came to a concert in Dublin, wait for her way out on stage for about five hours. Photo:

Exce Rose forced fans who came to a concert in Dublin, wait for her way out on stage for about five hours. Photo:

Excl Rose

The frontman of the group Guns N 'Roses is famous for its unpredictable behavior. But a lot of fans for him forgotten. However, when in 2010, Eksl forced his fans who came to a concert in Dublin, wait for his exit about five hours, even the most resistant patience burst. The musicians were met with disapproving whistle and various objects flying onto the scene. After two songs, Rose threatened to leave if the crowd could not calm down. And after two songs he kept his promise. After that, the audience reached out to the exit, despite the confidence of the concert organizers to return Exce and the team on the stage. Some time later, Guns N 'Roses really returned and returned the set to the end in front of a small number of the most loyal fans. The concert ended at night.

But this is not the limit. In 2012, the Guns N 'Roses concert in Manchester ended in 2.15 nights. By this time, only half of the audience remained in the hall: the rest preferred not to inspect a three-hour show to have time to return home on public transport. And fans have been fans because Exle Rose and be late with access to the scene for more than an hour.

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