Ksenia Teplova: "During pregnancy I was very scary"


Popularity came to Ksenia Teplova with the comedy TV series "IP Pirogov" and dramatic "stepfather". Ksenia could go in the footsteps of Mom Choreographer, but continued his father's profession. And despite the warnings of the parents, he entered the MCAT Studio School, where he met his personal happiness. Her husband was a graduate of the same university Artem Bystrov, the pair will grow up the daughter of Marusya. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Ksenia, when we came across the theater, you always smiled, and more than once watching your communication with colleagues, I realized that you were an open person and optimist. Are you at home?

"When I'm sad and even sadly, I still try so that no one has seen this in the theater or on the shooting, and if possible, I give people a positive mood. If everyone is broadcasting negative emotions, it hurts work. And I madly love my profession and always feel happy, removing or rehearsing. But not everything is so rosy, I am not a very simple person, and I can be at home. (Smiles.)

- Openness has never been for you trap? Did not use your sincerity, weaknesses?

- Of course, it happens, but I do not intend to close and worry. A child should always live in the actor.

- But among your colleagues there are closed people. Some even yoga as philosophy are passionate about ...

"I remember Alla Mikhailovna Sigalov told us back at the institute:" I don't understand how the artist can do yoga. " And for me it is a riddle, honestly. (Laughs.) Maybe I would be glad to be a balanced person, a quiet wife and mother, but my psyche is loosened by the profession that, unfortunately, affects personal life. (Laughs.) And in general I can not always remain calm where it is necessary.

- In one of the interviews, your husband Artem Bystrov said that you are able to sympathize with everything, you have a big heart.

- This is the news. (Smiles.) But I would not say that I have an extraordinary spiritual generosity. (Laughs.) And I am inattentive, sometimes it lacks me even on loved ones. I'm just very impressionable, and sometimes even during the rehearsal, when we begin to disassemble my heroine, emotions can be smeared, which are hard to restrain.

Ksenia Teplova:

"In school I was neutral, I had a psychushka's nickname. I was very emotional, nervous, wearing a plate on the teeth, glasses in the hole and short haircut"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

"Your dad is the actor named after Pushkin Victor Vasilyev, and Mama is Marina Suvorov, choreographer." Why did you choose exactly the acting profession?

- From four years to the ninth grade, I danced and with my mother many times had been in the Gnesin school and in Gitis, where she taught. But so that I sat at dad behind the scenes and watched all the performances, I do not remember. I knew that he studied on a course with Yuri Bogatyrev, Konstantin Raykin, Natalia Gundareva, but not familiar with any of them. Already in adolescence helped mom as an assistant to put performances and teach dance. But by the end of the school felt that I would be bored all the time to dance, and I realized that I had no such choreographic abilities. Then I decided to act on the acting faculty. But when she said about this to parents, they began to discourage me, explaining all the horrors of the profession, convinced that you need to be a crazy beauty, so that the fate would be. But I did not obey them, because I really wanted it. (Laughs.)

- Parents were happy or still regretted when did you do?

"Of course, they were happy and proud, because I took three universities. But my mother loves me very much and is even going through that the profession is very unstable, all the time asks: "Do you rehearse? When will you have shooting? Fear that I will not be in demand, sitting in her inside. Me too. Although, it seems to me that this feeling is experiencing all the actors who have not yet appeared to choose.

- And there were moments when you thought that in vain did not obey your parents?

"When Dmitry Vladimirovich Brusnikin put" Platonova ", where I played Sasha, it seemed that I had nothing at all, even desperate. And then I am with Igor Chripunov, my classmate, got the Golden Sheet Prize for the best student work. After that, I was taken to the theater. I could not even imagine what could have been just happy. In general, our teachers played a huge role in my life, and, of course, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. Unfortunately, Roman Efimovich Kozak left almost immediately after the release, and with Alla Borisovsky Pokrovskaya and Dmitry Vladimirovich, I worked in the MHT in the MHT, and we went to the scene to the scene, and several times I was filmed from him. When Oleg Palych came to the exam, we simply got sick up. But everyone felt unconditional love for him and wanted to get to him in the theater, stand up next to the scene. When a student was introduced into the mass "Tartuf", it was so happiness on the boncons to keep his hand. And he lives in his disciples, as well as Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov lived in the Kozak and Barbnikna, as we felt. And now, when there is no one of them, I still always feel responsible in front of them, as if they come to the performance, and I can not hit the dirt face.

Ksenia Teplova:

"During pregnancy, I was very scary. I asked me to be removed from the performances. There was a feeling that I don't need anyone"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- It seems to me that you are not about to blush in a movie or in the theater. Recently, the premiere of the play "Sugar German", where you have a wonderful role. But would you like to play something in a loud play on a big scene of the MHT?

- The premiere went fine. I was happy to work with Ulabeck Bayaliyev. I felt like in student work on the atmosphere of creation and love. The role of Pelagei is not the main, but bright and deep. Few people know the writer Sergei Klychkov, he is undeservedly forgotten. I was interested to work with such text. But, of course, from the last seen performances I inspired "Seryozha" Crimea, and I would be happy to play it. I rehearsed the Nina Zarechny with Sasha Milkryov, we started "seagull", which was very interesting. But in this sense I am a fatalist. If a role comes, I am grateful, it does not happen - I treat philosophically, it means that not the time.

- Is there any conversation with a woman possible with a woman possible, could you offer themselves to the role if the theater is starting to rehearse dreams?

- Sergey Vasilyevich - Open to the dialogues. I just never treated such questions. And I hope, and I will not go to him. There was one case, Casting went to Bucosov, and I did not call me. And then I myself asked to seem. But casting is one thing, and ask to take a role - another. Although I know the cases when it worked, and for the directors, if the actor says: "I dreamed of playing this role all my life, please look at me, I can all!"

- Parents did not grow in you female complexes, despite the fact that they told you about beauty. You still used MHAT school-studios, we used frantic success at the opposite sex ...

- Here the appearance is not important. (Laughs.) I consider myself a bright, but not beautiful, so I understand what risk I was told by parents in connection with the admission of the theater university.

- Did you like the boys at school?

- No, at school I was in general in general, I had a psychushka's nick. I was very emotional, nervous, wore a plate on the teeth, glasses in the hole and a short haircut. Broke through at the Institute. Probably, I just turned out and changed, and the admission to theatrical added confidence.

- Later you learned how to use your charms?

- No, I do not know how to manipulate people at all. Of course, a little bit of poking, smile, I can arrange to myself, like most women, but to do something pragmatic to get some dividends - not about me.

Ksenia Teplova:

"Artem gave me flowers every day, and I thought that I would have to give up, he would not stop. Such a pressure struck me"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- You assumed that your husband would be an actor?

- I did not think about it at all. I have the first husband, tooor, my classmate Igor Heat. I wear his surname. We got married at the end of the institute and lived together for five years. And now friends.

- Did you meet the theater with Artem?

- No, also at the Studio School MCAT. The topic studied at Raykin for two courses of the younger than us, together with Anja Chipovskaya, Nikita Efremov, and I have a Kozak - Pokrovskaya. We all intersect in the corridors. Then I assisted Alle Mikhailovna Sigue, when she put a plastic play with their course.

- Do not remember when the spark ranging between you with Artem or it all started with friendship?

- No, we never friendly with him. And I did not like him, even a little annoyed. I can not explain what I just did not want to be near him. As soon as I saw him, I flew, thought: "What an unpleasant type". And then everything globally turned over. But it often happens.

- How did he manage to overcome?

- He gave me flowers every day, and I thought that I would have to give up, he would not stop. (Laughs.) Such a pressure struck me. Impressive when a person cannot be stopped. He worked on me, cared, and all other fans had to move to the background. He just did not leave anyone a choice: Neither I, nor them, like it. (Laughs.)

- Have you already liked something in addition to cares?

- He has a lot of positive qualities, I saw them. If he was not interested in me, we would not have lived so much time together. It is important for me that my husband is a talented actor. I always wanted to give birth to a child from a talented person, in my opinion, it is reasonable.

- The husband wants you to have a good acting career or in the depths of the soul it is satisfied with this state of affairs when you can give Merus more time, family?

- I think he does not understand this to the end. He is glad to my successes, but when I shot a lot, moved from Minsk to Peter, then to Moscow, he waited for it, and the wife will finally appear at home. Of course, no man is not joy, it is a test. And the fact that he actor, no way helps him as a husband, even interferes with something. It seems to me that the balance is important here.

Ksenia Teplova:

"It is important to me that my husband is a talented actor. I always wanted to give birth to a child from a talented person. In my opinion, it is reasonable"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- Marus four years. They say: "Little children are small concerns, big children - big care" - it became more difficult?

- No, with an infant child is always harder, you're tied to him twenty-four hours a day. And we have a very emotional marry, there is someone. (Laughs.) They say it is very dependent on the psychological state of the mother. In general, the child is difficult, even though it is happiness. I basically bow in front of women. I want to kiss your feet after childbirth. Men is a thousand times easier, you understand this, when the responsibility for the child must be combined with the profession. Education of children is work, you study this slowly, at least I have it.

- By the time Marusi, you were twenty-eight years old. Already a sharp desire to have a child?

- I wanted a child, but was not ready for this in no way. And during pregnancy I was very scary. I asked me to be offended from performances, I had a feeling that I won't need anyone, my life was finished. And when a child is born, a complete reassessment of values ​​occurs. But still you can not feel absolutely happy from what is pregnant. You feel fear for yourself, for the child, overcome the thoughts that everything goes well - constantly you are in stress. Blessing stories, cute photos of pregnant women - all this is very far from reality.

- And when a daughter was born, everything changed?

- It was a shock, cosmic sensations. It seems that you are moving into a movie, it is impossible to believe it, as it was, no one was - and suddenly a child. Now I'm used to it. (Laughs.) After the birth of Marusi, I had something that makes me stronger, adult. I hope this is reflected in my profession.

- Have you become bolder or vice versa? I am talking about a moral aspect ...

- I think I basically a bold man. I can stand up for someone without fear of consequences, or try yourself in something new. There are no special phobias, but I will never go to the program "Last Hero", even for big money. (Laughs.) And on the filming of the film, unnecessary heroism is not justified, in my opinion. I began to think more about myself. For example, at the rehearsal, I needed to smear the face of mud all the time. As a result, I started atopic dermatitis, and I said that I would now mix makeup with sour cream. If you fall to the floor, and there the whole group goes in winter shoes, then I say already: "Please wipe the floor."

"If you were able to remove something in your character with a magic wand, to make it comfortable to live, would you have changed something in yourself?"

- Lot. But I will not tell about everything that I am not satisfied with myself. (Laughs.) Would add organizedness, would remove some emotionality, because it is hard to live when emotions are overlooked.

"What do you really like in people, maybe something even envy and would you like to learn this?"

"I like it when a person is full of energy and does not disappear in any situation, although I can't say that this is not. I admire people who can take responsibility for themselves. I am also a responsible person, but I mean global things. Those who study all their lives develops, puts goals and seek them. I admire people who are capable of compassion and mercy and find time to help others. Perhaps that I would postpone the list. This, I think the most important thing.

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