On a written table: Why do you need a personal diary


Sometimes you have no one to share the most intimate experiences, even with the best friend. Hold emotions, even positive, in itself - an ungrateful occupation for the psyche. In this case, the output will be a personal diary, but do not everyone know how to use it, as well as what advantages and minuses have such a way to throw out emotions.

What can and need to write

In fact, it is possible to write about anything, because the diary is your personal space. Frequent themes are experiencing experiences, impressions of meetings and trips, as well as dreams and fears. The main difference from the blog is to hide the text from others, even if you lead an electronic diary. Of course, you can show more creativity if you are heading a paper diary: you can use color handles or stickers.

Does the records often do?

Here you must focus on our desires and the need to speak. If you understand that you go deeper into your experiences, which make you irritable, try to imagine thoughts in words and write them down on paper. Psychologists often recommend using a diary in the process of therapy.


Diary "not talking"

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

What are the pros of a personal diary

You analyze events. Often it is difficult for us to carry out a logical chain in my head to understand why we do something wrong and how not to make a mistake in the future. When you make records, it becomes easier for you to track the chronology of the events that happen to you.

Paper stores everything. One of the properties of our psyche is to block an extra negative, and therefore much is forgotten. However, there are situations when it is necessary to return to an unpleasant situation and work it with a specialist, in this case it is important to keep an unpleasant memory if not in memory, then at least on the pages of the diary. In addition, after you transfer the entire negative on paper, the problem will not seem so terrible.

Diary "not talking". When we share experiences even with very close friends, there are probabilities that foreign people will know about your conversation, which will be a very unpleasant surprise. In this situation, the diary will become excellent, albeit with paper, listener.

What are the cons?

Curious native and friends. Despite the fact that other people's records read - a bad tone, be prepared that curious people do not know, can look into your diary. Reliably hide records or buy a notepad that you can open only you.

Perfectionism can prevent you. Anxious people can start experiencing almost physical torments if they start cheating themselves about the design or content of the diary - "Do I need to write about it?", "Probably, it was necessary to make it so, and not how it happened," I do not like the design. " If you feel that the diary does not bring relief, but only new reasons for excitement, it is better to abandon this idea.

Diary requires time. To keep a diary, which will not only bring an emotional investment, but also to please the eye, you need to highlight a couple of hours a day. Are you ready to spend time on the design of the text and your thoughts? If your answer is positive, more likely to acquire a pretty notebook and start!

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