How to cope with the "orange crust" without photoshop


Even the figures of recognized stars, such as Kim Kardashian, are not perfect, what can we talk about "simple mortals", which can not spend millions on their body? Do not despair, tell me how to get rid of the hips from the hips.

To get rid of

Get rid of "orange peel" difficult, but you can

Let's first understand what cellulite is? It is fat and toxic substances in subcutaneous tissue, which are manifested by irregularities and bellows in the field of buttocks and hips. Who does he happen? Yes, anyone, it does not depend on age, weight and features of the figure. Only from the floor. "Orange crust" suffer from exclusively women. It is difficult to deal with this cosmetic defect, but you can.


Wait for problems if you have decreased the number of female hormones - they regulate the exchange of fluid in the body.

Check out the mines

Check out the mines

Here the endocrinologist and the gynecologist-endocrinologist will come to the rescue. They will recover tests, and then they will register medications on their basis. Thus, you can compensate the missing hormone.


Incorrect, unbalanced nutrition. Fast food, sweet soda, salt, sharp, fried, alcohol and nicotine - all this can affect your pope.

Forget about Fast Food

Forget about Fast Food

Recipe simple: Start eating vegetables, fruits, make food to a couple or extinguish, give up harmful drinks, throw smoking.

There are products that effectively help split fat deposits: raw almonds, fresh pineapple, citrus, boiled eggs, carrots, fresh greens, bell pepper, cabbage, asparagus.


If you lie all day on the sofa, do not give the load with the muscles, then, of course, you will cover the "orange crust."

Feet need charging

Feet need charging

"Oh Sport, YOU LIFE!" - Go to the gym, but just move more, at least walk on foot, ride a bike or rollers. Even Pushkin recommended his wife Natalia Nikolaevna to walk on stairs to improve the figure, and it is not harmful to us. Making this accessible exercise, you strain all the muscles in problem places, improve blood supply and activate metabolic processes in the body. Yoga, swimming and step aerobics helps to cope with the problem.


The accumulation of fluid in the body causes swelling if it will get rid of it, cellulite will be noticeable.

Water makes skin smooth

Water makes skin smooth

But this does not mean that you do not need to drink, just drinks should be correct. For example, herbal teas, natural fruits and juices from red berries, simple spring or mineral water. Drink up 1.5-2 liters per day. Compliance with drinking regime is the main rule for smooth and elastic leather.


Irregular meals, overeating, habit is overnight, snacks between the main meals - here are defects on the legs even at thin ladies.

Oddly enough, our nervous system responds not only for the beauty of the face. Stress and overwork, lack of sleep - all this makes skin uneven.

Live correctly

Live correctly

You need to eat 4-6 times a day, the last meal must be 2 hours before sleep. Observe the mode of the day, less nervous and lead an active lifestyle, then your legs will always be slim and tightened.

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