Christian Bale: "As soon as we started shooting, my hand is incredibly healed"


- Christian when you started negotiations with Ridley Scott about participation in the project "Exodus: Tsari and Gods"?

- In early 2013. Although I got acquainted with Ridley four or five years ago. Russell Crowe and Gary Oldman told me that he was one of their favorite directors. They both said: "You must meet him. We assure you, you will get away with him. You will work together. " We met with Ridley, talked and decided that when something appropriate would appear, we would need to work together. And suddenly once Reed asked me: "Do you want to play Moses in my movie" Exodus "?"

- What was your reaction to this offer?

- I asked him: "I have to wear sandals and swing the sword? Or are you talking about any abstract modern reading of this story? ". He replied: "No, sandals, swords, bows and all that." And, you must admit, I did not immediately answer consent. I needed to digest that I was offered to play such a significant character like Moses. I learned the question, I thought and said myself: "Yes, I want to work with Reed! Need to try". I like to challenge yourself, doing things where the chances are not in my favor. Agreeing to the role, I perfectly understood that many would wonder: how did he dare to play such a character?

Christian Bale:

Christian Bale played Moses in the film "Exodus: kings and gods". .

- And how dare you?

- I feel that the history of the outcome is not just one of the many major sacred texts, it is one of the most significant narratives in the history of mankind. I learned that Moses was a difficult and stubborn hero. Thanks to his faith, he turned into a fighter for freedom, which does not stop before in the execution of the Wolley of God. And at the same time, Moses was a contradictory personality: solid in his faith, but loving arguing, doubting, but assertive; Warrior and at the same time liberator, hot, but stoically calm. In short, Moses is one of the most fantastic characters that I had to play.

- What is the essence of this movie?

- In the center of the picture - the relationship between Moses and Ramses, which grew up as brothers. Ramses became Pharaoh, and Moses - his most loyal adviser and his right hand. But when Ramses found out that Moses Jew, he sent his named brother to the Desert almost to the faithful death. Ramses personifies that the destruction that absolute power creates with man. Ramses really begins to believe that he is God, and this significantly affects his relationship with Moses.

Many actors dream with director Ridley Scott. Christian Bale is no exception. .

Many actors dream with director Ridley Scott. Christian Bale is no exception. .

- How did you get ready for the role of Moses?

- I read the sacred texts, including Torah and chapters from the Quran, as well as the famous book of Jonathan Kirsha "Life Moses". And before the shooting in this epic picture, I decided to look at these events from a humorous point of view and looked at the Comedy "World History, Part I" of Mel Brooks and "Bryan's Life for Monti Paiton".

- And from the point of view of physical training?

- I had everything awry. Soon after my meeting with Ridley Scott, on which we discussed my participation in the movie "Exodus: Tsari and Gods", I got into an accident on a motorcycle and badly damaged the wrist on my left hand. And for a long time I had big problems with your hand. Up to the start of work on this picture. Preparing for the role, I learned to shoot from Luke. In training, I could not take the onions normally, as my hand was trembling like a crazy: the nerves still have grown to the end. But as soon as we started shooting, the hand was incredibly healed. The human body is really amazing. And when I was able to keep the onions normally in my hand, I began to enjoy shooting. As well as from horses. In life, I do not ride the top, but always glad when this option falls on the set.

In the center of the picture - the relationship between Moses and Ramses. .

In the center of the picture - the relationship between Moses and Ramses. .

- What do you think, what will the reaction of the audience for the film?

- I am sure that very different. Carefully opposed. Someone will ask: why did they generally removed this movie? Someone who is very familiar with the Bible will challenge every scene. But, I hope, there will be someone who will be interested to see how we embodied on the screen one of the most revered and important biblical stories.

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