Redmond and Ready for Sky: "Flying Technique" on remote control


Manage new items from your smartphone!

Each of us would like to have a loved one as much free minutes. Refresh the haircut, make a manicure, go to the gym, go shopping ... Therefore, it would seem, minor things accumulate a lot, and the time is always missing. Maybe it's time to go to a new level and entrust all household concerns of the "smart" technique of Redmond with the management technology Ready for Sky?

Imagine the house of the future, where all the devices can be controlled almost telepathically, and more precisely - from your mobile phone. What time is it free to free how much trouble is forgotten!

It is thorough to figure out than each of us will be useful than the new Sky-series. And let's start with the cozy, but sometimes takes away so much kitchen time.

Sky Kitchen: All kitchen in smartphone

Already today, you can purchase novelties of the Sky Kitchen series: Kitchen scales with calorie calculator, an electric kettle, which is turned on at a distance, and a slow cooker, the cooking process in which can be guided from the phone. And soon a number of "smart" kitchen appliances will be replenished with an innovative coffee machine. No longer need to break away from work or study, and in the morning jumping off the bed early to turn on the kettle or cook the invigorating coffee. Your new smart helpers will take care of all.

Multicooker SkyCooker (Skikeker) M800S can be controlled even standing in traffic jams - for this you need only a smartphone with a reference application Ready for Sky. It has 48 programs for every taste, and if you want to experiment - the function of the workshief, with which the time and temperature settings can be changed how much and ever. And your diet will be diverse: you will find new dishes and in the "120 recipes" book, and in the R4S application itself.

To calculate the correct amount of calories or determine the nutritional value of any dish is convenient to have small, but very smart scales Skyscales (Skycales) 741 S.

All data on the weighable product will immediately be loaded into your smartphone, and adhere to the correct nutrition will be much easier. The electric kettle of Skykettle (Skype) 170 s not only gently wakes you up with the built-in alarm clock, but also warms water to the desired temperature, and you can soar for a few more minutes under the blanket at this time. And the morning will immediately become good!

All devices one click

Do you need a separate mobile application for each device? Answer: No! Multivarka, weights, coffee machine, kettle - In general, all devices with R4S can be managed from the same READY FOR SKY program. And if you are frightened by all sorts of technical difficulties and a lot of unscrew buttons, which are not clear how they work, the developers ensure that there is nothing to worry about with R4S. Even the child will cope with the application - it is so understandable and comfortable. Clean this itself, because it can now be downloaded absolutely free. The remote control of a multicooker through a mobile application has already tried the participants of the TV project "Dom-2" on TNT - and remained very and very pleased.

Do you think that such active actions "will be tied" to the outlet? But no: thanks to the latest technologies for managing all devices with R4S, quite a bit of energy is required. So the battery of your favorite smartphone in safe hands! Moreover, regardless of whether you have a fashionable epple-device or chose a stylish phone on the Android platform.

Due to thirty lands

The Redmond technique with Ready for Sky has another secret: all the devices can be controlled not only within the framework of the house, but from anywhere in the world! To do this, you only need to connect it to special devices - SkyBox or SkyTVBox. The difference between them is that in the second case it is also a modern TV prefix, and this makes it possible to connect your TV to the Internet and almost abandon the usual computer.

Even if you are now somewhere far from home, you can always take care of your loved ones. There was a new era of absolute freedom, when you can not be distracted from your favorite deeds and trust the concerns technique. Ready for Sky is your comfortable future!

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