Home Training: 5 Survival Councils for Parents and Children


How many jokes are already walking on the Internet about quarantine and associated home learning. Parents quickly get tired of sitting with children at home when they are accustomed to half of his day to spend in the office near the computer. However, in the current situation there is no alternative option - all educational institutions are translated into remote mode. Prepared several advice that will help you and the child to go through the unusual change of the schedule without loss.

Make a schedule

The most difficult thing on domestic training to discipline ourselves: get up at the same time, wash, breakfast, sit down for a laptop to listen to lectures and do homework. I want to postpone all things for later - watch movies and eat sweets. Do not give a child a descent: control the schedule compliance, the quality of homework and visits to occupations in online format. If the lessons in online learning systems at your school or university are not held, offer the child to immediately sit down and make all your homework, then allocate time for your favorite classes. Time quarantine should not change the quality of learning - on the contrary, it appears an extra watch on vacation, sports, reading books and learning languages.

Do not lag from a day schedule

Do not lag from a day schedule

Photo: unsplash.com.

Contact tutors

While Chad has free time car, it will not be superfluous to restore gaps in knowledge. If the final exams or annual test work, where they need to show knowledge, and it does not have them, there will be no reasonable choice for helping to the tutor or increase the number of classes if you are already doing with him. As an alternative, you can record a child to online courses at wishes - both related to studying English learning, and completely unrelated - drawing, programming, laying from plasticine. In the conditions when entertainment centers are closed, it will be a great help in maintaining the cheerful mood to the fast end of quarantine.

Keep your personal time balance

When parents and children are side by side of the rank of hours, it is not surprising that in the family there will be conflicts from emotional overvoltage. Do not waste your nerves: self-retention in the rooms and rooms for the time of the working day, having arranged a mini-office at home. Psychologists advise not to change the familiar day of the day - such a measure will just help you do not fall into apathy from a lack of communication with colleagues and reduce the list of cases. Respect the child's personal space - knock on before entering, and do not bother him from suggestions about food, drinks and other things that it is in power to do it yourself.

Maintain order

In no case do not allow the baby room in the child's room from unwashed mugs, packages from chips and candy. Any disorder is relaxing a person: since at home you can leave the garbage, it means that it is not diligently not necessarily. Count the rule that the workspace should always be clean: while his place of study house, he is obliged to maintain it in order. Every day, spend fast cleaning along with the child - rub dust, vacuum, polish the mirrors. Do not forget to air the room - the flow of oxygen is important for the brain.

Detach the time of creativity

Detach the time of creativity

Photo: unsplash.com.

Do not forget about rest

Even during the quarantine, you can walk on the walk with the whole family, until it is prohibited by the Government Decree. Try to get out to the street early in the morning or late in the evening, when there are fewer people in your park - remember the safety measures. You can also start running along with children or play sports at home. Control your power and sleep mode is no less important than physical exertion. Observing all the recommendations, you will be cheerful and cheerful, which means the child will be happy to deal with lessons and additional classes.

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