Anna Sedokova told about the relationship between daughters


On the days of the eldest daughter, Anna Sedokova Alina Belkevich (Father of the girl - the famous football player Valentin Belkevich - died this summer) was 10 years old. Anna wrote in Instagram touching congratulations and recognition in love: "My little strong girl. She don't care about things, her friends are much more important. She is a free and proud bird. And if I had a cherished desire in the world, I would ask heaven to stay for you forever. Being your friend ... 10 years ago you turned the lives of many people. You are a little man changing fate. I believe in you. I love you very much my daughter (here and then the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved, approx. Womanhit). "

For the decade of his daughter Alina Anna Sedokova made a collage from the photo and wrote a mental congratulation. Photo:

For the decade of his daughter Alina Anna Sedokova made a collage from the photo and wrote a mental congratulation. Photo:

As it turned out, for the holiday gifts received not only a birthday girl, but also the famous mother's mom. She was presented with two decorations, symbolizing the daughters of Anna - Alina and Monica. "Holiday by Alinka, and mom's gifts gets," Sedokova boasted a joke. - Thanks to an unreal friend to the wizard for this surprise! Now my angels are always with me. I have a girl and a girl. "

Anna Sedokova told about the relationship between daughters 46792_2

On the anniversary of the daughter received a gift and singer: "Holiday at Alinka, and mom gifts gets! Thank you unreal friend to the wizard for this surprise! Now my angels are always with me. I have a girl and a girl. " Photo:

In addition, the actress told about the established relationship between the sisters: "I don't really like to post the baby in the inst, but today is such a day ... I will reveal the secret then ... In fact, Alun's life is not very simple. See this little girl in the middle? Familiar face. So this girl is mon, his sister does not give life. She pursues her every step. He loves her and he does not let go anywhere! Plays with all her friends. Picks all gifts, draws in homework and spoils scientific work to school. In the morning, choosing clothes, it will definitely choose the one that is already on Alink and has to give her mona. When Mona misses, she just worst on our head and sits on it. In the literal sense of the word! Once in a conversation with aulnia, I asked if she knows the film "Hard Child". I know? - Yes, I live in it !!! She replied. Actually, all sisters are dedicated. Especially elders who are younger all their lives attack. But I know, just because she loves her to madness. "

The actress spoke about the relationship between sisters. According to Sedokov, the youngest Monica literally does not give senior Alina. Photo:

The actress spoke about the relationship between sisters. According to Sedokov, the youngest Monica literally does not give senior Alina. Photo:

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