Simpsons predicted the fall of the ruble


"Family Monsters" can get a "damn dozen" awards "Annie"

This year, the largest number of nominations for the premium for the best achievements of the year in the field of animation received the cartoon "Family Monsters" about the Syrote boy, which was brought up by trolls. An animated film claims the largest number of nominations - it's about the "damn dozen", 13 awards. If the animations succeed in "till" their competitors, such as Disney cartoons "City of Heroes", "How to Train Dragon-2" and "Lego. The film ", then in the" Family "piggy bank from 13 bonuses can get the most important -" Best Animation Film ". The 42nd Annie ceremony will be held in Los Angeles on January 31. Animation "Family Monsters" is a Laika studio project, in whose portfolio is the creation of such animations as the "coalina in the country of nightmares", "Corpse of the Bride" and "Paranorman".

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"Family Monsters" claims 13 awards of Annie award. Frame from an animation cartoon.

In the episode "Simpsons" saw the prediction of the fall of the ruble exchange rate

The journalist of the American news publication VOX Max Fisher in his article drew attention to one of the episodes of the Simpsons animated series, which shows a parody of a sharp drop in the ruble exchange rate in Russia. The episode was released back in 1999 and is dedicated to the selection of the venue of the Olympic Games. At the meeting of the Olympic Committee, the representative of Russia invites Moscow, arguing that "there is the American dollar worth seven rubles." After that, notifications come to him every second: "12 rubles ... 60 rubles ... 1000 rubles," - and he runs out of the hall in horror. "Of course, this joke was not so much the prediction of the current recession of the Russian economy, how many brief generalization of the previous crises that were several," the author of the article Max Fisher notes.

The series "Simpsons" was first published on December 17, 1989 and is still considered one of the most popular comedic projects in television history. The characteristic feature of "Simpsons" is political and social jokes, as well as parodies on American life and ethnographic and religious features of other countries.

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Zenit released a book with "Smeshariki". Frame from a cartoon.

Zenit released a book with "Smeshariki"

In September of this year, the St. Petersburg "Zenit" presented a new team talisman - a multiplication hero of Barta Simpson. The corresponding contract was signed between the club and the company 20th Century Fox. On the back of the Talisman, which will go on the field during football matches, will be the 87th number, as in 1987 Bart Simpson first appeared on the screens. The reaction of fans to the appearance of the character turned out to be ambiguous. In particular, one of the most famous Zenit fans Mikhail Boyarsky criticized the Club decision.

Recently, Zenit football players got acquainted with the heroes of another children's animation series - "Smeshariki". At the presentation of the new project, Zenit coach Sergei Semaak said that the club released four children's books in which the characters of the animated series tell football stories and offer to solve riddles. "I really liked that there are pictures in the books that would help the guys to figure out how football players look like, which is from which country, as name," said Semak.

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