Take care of yourself: what to do at home if you decide to selfish


The time you have to have forced to spend at home is a difficult test for the psyche. It seems as if you were locked in a cage and limited the freedom of movement within the four walls. I found what you do in your free time:

Clean phone memory

Thousands of photos from trips, screenshots of recipes and correspondence, funny pictures - all these photos occupy a place in the phone's memory. Browse them and select those you want to leave, and what it's time to delete them in uncomfortable. In modern smartphones, snapshots are divided by types - screenshots, portraits, as well as places and times of the picture. So you will have to disassemble the accumulated data at times faster. At the same time, clean the cache of applications, unsubscribe from annoying people in social networks, remove unnecessary numbers from the phone book and correspondence with people who cause you unpleasant memories.

Delete everything you no longer need

Delete everything you no longer need

Photo: unsplash.com.

Spend general cleaning

How many months do you promise to wash the windows, wash the curtains and go through all the books on the shelves? On weekdays, you really did not have time to quarantine, but now the watches saved on the road will become just for the general cleaning of the apartment or at home. Remember that you need to be used in direction from top to bottom: first cleaned the shelf from the garbage and rub dust, and already in the end vacuuming the floor and spend wet cleaning. To maintain freshness, we advise you to make a natural flavor for the house: pour clean water into a bottle with a spray with a spray and add 10-15 drops of orange and lemon essential oil - they collect unpleasant odors and fill the room with a pleasant invigorating aroma of citrus.

Take a sport with the whole family

Gyms are closed one by one throughout the country - this is a logical measure of combating the spread of the virus. However, not the time to despair: spend workouts in the fresh air and at home. On the street you can run or walk early in the morning, when most people have not yet woke up and you do not risk going side by side with the rest. But you can do at home at any time - train with the whole family. Start with the morning charging, at lunch, perform a 30-minute complex of unplugging exercises, and in the evening, stretch your muscles and spend meditation. As a sports equipment, 2-3-liter water bottles or your children are suitable - ask them to be loaded while you are squatted or pressed.

Support water balance

Support water balance

Photo: unsplash.com.

Change daily habits

While alone is embarrassed by sweets and chips, you can teach yourself useful to health habits - drink 2 liters of water a day, tightly breakfast, there are more fresh vegetables and fruits. Try to spend your free time on the outlook: watch the masterpieces of world cinema, listen to the interviews of decent people, read your literature and scientific articles. Only you determine whether this time will spend time with the benefit for yourself or increase a couple of extra kilograms and apathy to everything.

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